Welcome to DorrThe Dorr Township Planning Commission Tuesday evening approved two separate requests for special use permits.

One was for local homeowner Pam Anderson to open a medical massage therapy 1759 Briar Lane. The other was for Michael Alderink to place an accessory building on the front yard of his property on 140th Avenue between 18th and 21st streets.

Anderson told commission members she is a state licensed provider of medical massages who moved from Allegan with her husband and children. She had a home-based massage business in Allegan for seven years.

She assured commissioners she will be open as few as three days a week and certainly no more than five to serve a maximum of three customers per day on an appointment basis. She added that none of her neighbors have expressed any opposition.

Commission Chairman Bob Wagner insisted the Andersons install a fire extinguisher in the basement where the massages will be provided.

Alderink also noted none of his neighbors have any problem with him constructing an access building on his property, which currently is zoned rural estates.

The votes on both requests was 5-0, with Rich Osbun and Dan Weber absent.

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