A recount Wednesday in Allegan of the Aug. 7 Dorr Township primary election on a proposal for curbside recycling confirmed the original verdict.

Township Clerk Debbie Sewers said Precinct Nos. 2 and 3 showed exactly the same results and there was only one vote difference for Precinct No. 1 because of ballot that was run through twice (due to a jam with the new equipment on election night and remarked in the remarks portion of the E-Poll book on election night).

The proposal for a surcharge of $36 per year per household for curbside recycling services with an opt-out option was passed by 15 votes last month in the primary.

Sewers said the recount requesters paid $25, which stays with the county for record keeping fees.

“Allegan County told me Dorr Township will be invoiced and responsible to pay the Board of Canvassers (per diem and mileage) in the sum of $421.04, and we should expect that bill in the next few weeks, that will be coming out of the election budget,” the clerk said.

She added that the township will purchase new wheeled ballot bag containers at estimated $160 each., which could be as many as 9, 3 per precinct.

“I will be doing an inventory check of bags before my purchase,” Sewers said. “Ballot containers can hold ballots for as long as 22 months. Two of the three, I had to bring to county had broken wheels and needed to be carried in and out of the county building by hand. The weight of these bags exceeds 50 lbs. each.

“I did have damage to my car, from the broken ballot container, when placing ballot containers into my trunk. The metal bar scrapped and removed paint from my bumper. I will be speaking with the insurance agent about that.”

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