It’s been agreed that road work in Dorr Township this year will consist of installing culverts on 18th Street north to 144th Avenue and rebuilding about one and a third mile along 144th Avenue.

However, the Township Board hasn’t yet decided on the Allegan County Road Commission’s suggestions to lay down new gravel on 14th Street, 19th Street, 144th Avenue and 138th Avenue. A proposal to spend about $12,000 per mile was tabled at Thursday night’s meeting.

Trustee John Tuinstra said, “I wonder what the Road Committee thinks.”

He was told the special committee, formed a couple of years ago to prioritize road projects and promote a three-mill levy for local roads that passed last August, actually has committed all of the anticipated $680,000 in revenue to the 144th Avenue rebuilding.

The rebuilding project will not include paving, which will be planned for the following year.

Tuinstra said he personally drove some of the back roads in the township and asserted he believes other roads are more deserving of graveling than the ones selected by the Road Commission.

Trustee Dan Weber responded, “They’re going by what their graders have seen, not by how smooth the road is.”

It was agreed to table a decision on graveling until the board’s first budget workshop Wednesday, Feb. 1.

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