The new Dorr Township fire truck, with which Fire Chief Gary Fordham said he is well pleased.

The Dorr Township Board is still trying to figure out what should be done with the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.

The township is in line to get more than $800,000 in federal funding, but thus far it has only set aside $200,000, for its contribution in the Reimagine Trash business project, which is appropriate because it will be used for infrastructure within the township.

However, about three-fourth of the amount still is up in the air.

Trustee Chandler Stanton brought to the board Thursday night a proposal to support financially the Safe Harbor Children’s Advocacy Center in Allegan, but Supervisor Jeff Miling said the township’s auditor advised against it.

Miling said it’s his understanding that under the law the township can’t “donate” its funds to anything like a non-profit.

“Safe Harbor has to demonstrate they’re doing specifically for Dorr Township residents,” the supervisor warned.

A woman in the audience said Safe Harbor does presentations in elementary schools in the area and Clerk Debbie Sewers said that should be of some help.

Miling said the essential causes ARPA funds may be used as contributions must be viewed as improving infrastructure, which includes water, sewer and broadband Internet. He said Allegan County appears to be ready to use its $24 million from ARPA for broadband.

Dorr currently has $413,284 in its ARPA fund.

In other business Thursday evening, the board:

• Was told by Stanton that new Township Treasurer Laurie Perry was quick to respond to a report that $10,546 in unauthorized funds had been withdrawn from the township’s  account at Lake Michigan Credit Union. He said action was swift, unlike the slow response to a past problem by the treasurer’s office.

• Learned from Fire Chief Gary Fordham that the new truck has arrived and he was more than satisfied with the fast delivery. The new vehicle cost about $375,000.

• Approved the reappointments of Dan Beute and Jim Schaendorf for the Zoning Board of Appeals, both for three-year terms.

• Approved a stormwater maintenance management agreement with Moline Christian School, which is building an addition.

• Agreed to move its next meeting from Thursday, June 23, to Thursday, June 30, to accommodate the clerk and deputy clerk, who will attend a conference June 23.

• Decided not to approve a proposal from Trustee Pat Champion to reimburse board members for use of cell phones for public business and a proposal to pay up to $50 per month for officials who attend other township meetings.

• Agreed to move forward on purchase of security cameras for township hall at a cost of up to $4,000.

Sewers said, “We should do everything we can to make sure our employees are safe.”

Sewers also noted the township will get a grant of $4,500 for election safety geared to the coming primary and general elections later this year.


Michael Kelly
May 27, 2022
Is the township going to finish the road resurface in the remainder of roads in Litchfield Downs that were not resurfaced in 2021? To my knowledge, we paid our road taxes more than two years ago.
Those among us
May 27, 2022
Wait. Another $10,000 missing? So I have heard that it is alleged the money was transfered into a account of a former elected Dorr Township Official. Really? Also that the Allegan County Courts have the documents? Does anyone know the whole truth?
Concerned Citizen
May 27, 2022
What is happening? Now another $10,000 + is gone? Why is there not more information or reporting about this? How does this happen twice?
Jim Martin
May 31, 2022
To Michael Kelly -- The streets of Stratford, Sherwood, Downing, Avon are on this year's schedule to be re-surfaced. Black Gold's bid of $301,771.25 was accepted. Also included are: Deerfield & Deerfield Ct. Briarlane Alpine Dr Ronald's Road Patti Rd. Tom's Ct. Black Gold was the only bidder to submit a bid under the County Engineer's estimate.

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