The Dorr Township Board voted 4-3 Thursday night to offer citizens an on-line option for attending meetings, at least until Dec. 31.
New Trustee Chandler Stanton proposed the move, maintaining that even if the Coronavirus pandemic slows or is ended, community residents would appreciate the opportunity to attend meetings even if they can’t appear in person.
Township Clerk Debbie Sewers said, “Maybe that’s something we can do for all meetings, not just the Township Board,” specifying the Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals and Parks Commission.
However, Trustee John Tuinstra said the move could cost the township a lot of money.
Supervisor Jeff Miling said he would support offering an on-line option to the public if it simply meant making the sessions live streaming, which would not involve an added cost.
Thursday night’s virtual board meeting was administered by Lori Castello of Professional Code Inspectors, who said it’s an extra $100 per meeting, plus her time as a representative as PCI.
Voting to make meetings available on line were Sewers, Miling, Stanton and Tuinstra. Pat Champion said the board should continue to let Castello handle it, and he was joined by Dan Weber and Treasurer Myrna Marr.
In other business at Thursday’s meeting, the board:
- Was told that Marr has appointed Office Manager Vicki Fifelski as deputy treasurer because “she helps with the taxes and is very experienced.”
Sewers objected, insisting it would be more expensive because Fifelski already has a full-time job with the township, at $18.46 an hour. She would be paid $20 an hour as deputy treasurer and more than that because of time and a half.
“Marr said, “I want somebody who is experienced and knows what to do.”
- Learned from Wayland Emergency Services representative Penny Post that WAEMS probably will have to buy a new ambulance within the next two years, though it’s been turned down in applications for state grants. She said the ambulance service broke records for calls in 2020 and it faced staffing challenges because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Tuinstra said it would be wise to talk to State Rep. Steve Johnson and State Senator Eric Nesbitt about the state’s unfunded mandates.
- Was told by Marr that the Gun Lake Casino presented the township with a check for $19,000 a year ago, for $18,000 last July and last month for only $11,000. Of course, the reason was Covid.
- Scheduled a budget workshop for fiscal year 2021-22 for 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 25.
- Learned from Fire Chief Gary Fordham that Dorr firefighters responded to a record 191 calls in 2020.
- Approved a work order for resurfacing 136th Avenue from 18th Street to the cemetery at St. Stanislaus for $130,000, with half of the price tag picked up by Hopkins Township.