A proposed resolution to sign a contract with the Dorr-Leighton Wastewater Authority rekindled old issues from almost a decade ago for the Dorr Township Board Thursday evening.
The board voted 5-2 to proceed with signing the agreement, but not without a great deal of acrimony that recalled a debate that resulted in a failed recall of all seven Township Board members in 2011.
Trustee John Tuinstra, one of the ringleaders of the recall effort, objected to giving up local power over a substantial service that soon may cost even more money. He opposed the sewer and water installation along 142nd Avenue in 2010 because, “It was a situation where a certain group pushed and pushed and the wishes of the majority were not respected.”
The Township Board back then approved water and sewer because extensive road work and paving of 142nd Avenue was being done, so it was believed to be a good time to provide sewer and water for businesses and industries in Dorr and into Leighton Township.
Tuinstra, former Trustee Patty Senneker, Christine Schwartz and Bernie Schumaker spearheaded the opposition to the plan and later led the recall effort that failed in a special election.
Since then wastewater authority was created to include members of both Dorr and Leighton townships. Dorr Supervisor Jeff Miling and Clerk Debbie Sewers both sit on that joint board.
Sewers reported the sewer now is at 76% capacity and the state is insisting expansion be considered, at a cost of perhaps as much as $7 million, which would create the need for a bond.
Miling said the U.S. Department of Agriculture has expressed a willingness to pick up as much as 45% of the costs for interest on the bond, but the federal agency prefers to work with just one entity rather than both townships on the project.
“This is to better control the rules and regulations,” Miling said of the sewer agreement. “This is to get rid of all the extra steps, to streamline the process.”

But Tuinstra, who was joined in opposition by Trustee Terri Rios, insisted, “This (township) board did not vote on any new construction. It’s our responsibility to look out for our residents’ best interests.”
Miling said, “This is going to be a problem if we don’t solve it with expansion.”
Rios asked, “This is the only way?”
Treasurer Jim Martin responded, “The USDA has indicated this is the way they’d like us to go… We’re just putting in another layer of insulation.”
Tuinstra added that he didn’t like the idea that only two local officials could speak on behalf of Dorr Township, but Miling asserted that the majority, not two votes, rules on decisions the authority makes.
Martin added, “We can’t keep n harping on what happened nine years ago.”
Tuinstra countered, “I haven’t seen the plans (for expansion) of a multi-million dollar project and I don’t want to give up the authority to someone else… Once we sign, this board has no more voice.”
Miling, Sewers, Martin and Trustees John Otto and Dan Weber voted to go ahead with the project. Tuinstra and Rios both cast a negative vote.
Water was not an option. Please get the facts straight.
Guess I read differently, where was it stated water was an option. Sewer and water was installed when 142nd was redone.
Not sure how long you have been in the area, but good water in the downtown area was necessary. The sewer also helped many businesses since by this time they would of had no place to put in new drain fields.
Of course many have this Dorr is a “bedroom community ” everyone works or does their business somewhere else mentally. Luckily there was a township board that had the foresight to see Dorr as a growing and thriving community, not just a place for one to sleep in.
We as a township can not take one step forward and five backwards, which is happening the last few years.
It’s time to get back on the train moving forward not the one stagnant sitting in the station.
I do stand corrected water never made it down the hill,.but the water in town is horrible and sadly good water is not an option..it shouldn’t be long and water will be coming