Dr. Elizabeth Robinson, co-owner of Robinson Dental Care in Wayland, along with her husband, Scott, has indicated Wayland Family Dentistry’s closue at 404 W. Superior St. is temporary because of the current COVID-19 health crisis.
She wrote in response to Townbroadcast’s recent story asking the question:
“It is not closed permanently. Robinson Dental has always subsidized Wayland Family Dental and with COVID, we didn’t have enough revenue coming in from our practice to keep it open. With limited resources right now and the extra expenses related to COVID, we’re trying to get back on our feet first.
“We also used to have a good partnership with the state for extra Medicaid help, but those funds are no longer coming in. Right now, we’re seeing Wayland Family Dentistry (WFD) patients at Robinson Dental (RD) two days/week. It’s a lot easier to social distance at RD because of the extra space. (We’ve purchased additional air purifiers to use at RD and we feel very confident that we can keep our patients safe at this location.
“We’ve also hired extra team members to help with patient flow — parking lot attendants to take patients directly from their cars to the operatories. WFD/RD does not have the resources to make these changes at both locations.
“We are constantly reassessing our options. We look forward to the day we can return to being the only private practice Medicaid provider in the county.
“We appreciate you being a voice for our Medicaid patients, as our options are extremely limited without support from the state!”
— Dr. Elizabeth Robinson, DDS