Army Bob Salutesby Robert M. Traxler

The election nears and it is time to look at who will represent our nation in the near future. No big revelation to the good folks who read this column on a regular basis, I support the Republican Party.

This election is unusual in an enormous way, though our friends in the media seem to forget it every chance they get. Mr. Donald Trump is not a professional politician. A bit of history that never gets mentioned is that never, not once in American history, has a person been elected to be our president who is not a bureaucrat, politician or general officer with long strong ties to Washington, arguably more politican than warrior. Those three categories do represent nearly 20% of our population, but what is wrong with the other 80%?

We all need to ask ourselves if we have been well represented by the political class? The folks who never held a job not related to government or one in which they are marking time to the next election. The editor of this esteemed publication rails about the amount paid our Michigan State politicians and painfully I must agree. The political class with very few exceptions get rich directly or indirectly through “public service” and who pays them, you do.

Secretary Hillary Clinton is a creature of the system. She has gotten rich, not from building or producing anything of note, but being paid for access and favoritism by the folks on Wall street and many foreign governments, most of whom oppress and discriminate against women and LBGT folks and oppress other minorities.

Mrs. Clinton will be a continuation of the same old business as usual, she would make a few minor changes on the fringe and the media will trumpet her programs as revolutionary and vitally necessary. She will protect the political and donor class at all cost. The small percent of Americans who have bought and paid for her affections with more than two billion dollars of donations to her “campaign” or the Clinton foundation. 

Bob Traxler_0Clinton will give flowery speeches about the military, as President Obama has, and privately work to dismantle the warrior ethos she feels is so repulsive. The folks on Wall Street will be vilified as they drive semi-trucks full of cash to the bank. Foreign governments who have lined the pockets of the Clinton family will get special treatment, like Qatar who gave President Bill Clinton a $1,000,000 birthday president. Did Qatar give you a birthday president? Probably not but you are not married to the future president.

The real problem is the political class always finds clandestine ways to protect the donor class and keep the gravy train steaming along at full speed.

Ever since the primaries, I have said Mr. Trump is an anomaly in our political system a person owing little to the political and donor class, indeed the Republican leadership despise him, as he would derail the current process that has made them and the Democrats all rich. The one thing the establishment political class agree on is a President Trump would be dangerous, threatening the clandestine system that is making them rich.

The political and donor class own most of the media, colleges and universities, along with the information process that tells us not just what to think, but how to think.

Folks the system is rotten, but the constitutionally protected watchdogs of the Government, the media, the very people who are charged to uncover corruption, have ignored the WikiLeaks exposed emails that shine a light on the corruption in the government. The media will discover the WikiLeaks documents only after the election, to protect a corrupt system that has served them well. The scandals with the Clinton foundation and gargantuan fees paid to both Clintons for access will be covered and the media will be outraged, but only after the election.     

Time for a real change time for a non-politician. Time for a President Trump.


November 5, 2016
Trump is raw, but he is not a career politician and needs alot of polish. HC is a plain and simple crook! A friend told me along ago that she a camelion. She is in there slinging her dirt too. Umm, playing her career game.
Robert M Traxler
November 5, 2016
Mr. Williams, Thanks for the comment. I do agree with you.

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