411 E Superior St
Wayland, MI 49348
United Church of Wayland, assisted by the United Methodist Church of Wayland, again will be host for the Amazing Arts Academy vacation Bible school from 5:30 to 8:30 nightly July 23–27.
The academy is for children entering first through sixth grades in next fall.
Last year’s event included art projects, dance, singing and even yoga. A favorite project was decorating two Peace Poles now planted in the church’s front yard. This year there are plans for a pottery project, tie-dying, drum making and more. Peace Pole painting again will be included as an activity planned to be part of the academy every year.
The early evening start (5:30) July 23 will include a dinner for the children who attend.
Every evening ends with a campfire with singing and stories. Parents are encouraged to come and participate in this part of the program if they like.
The cost is $15 for the first child and $30 for two or more children.