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June 15, 2019 @ 11:15 am
Hopkins High School cafeteria
300 Clark St.
Hopkins MI
300 Clark St.
Hopkins MI
The annual Hopkins High School alumni banquet will be held at the Hopkins High School cafeteria, beginning at 11:15 a.m. Saturday, June 15.
The honored group this year will be the Class of 1969.
Those attending are asked to bring their own table service and a dish to pass. The potluck is scheduled to get under way at noon.
The Alumni Association has given 27 scholasrhips to high school seniors since 2003. Last year the recipients were Mikayla Bulich and Jack Lincoln.
Suzanne (Walker) Blank is president of the association, Randy Zuidema is vice president, Brooke (Brenner) Romph secretary and Bob Hennip treasurer.