Martin band’s spaghetti dinner fund-raiser is Tuesday
The Martin Clippers Band is having a fund-raiser dinner from 4 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 25at the Clippers Cafe. Cost is $5 per person. The band kids are trying…
‘Descendants, the Musical’ slated for May 4-6
Meet the Villian Kids! They have been chosen to attend the “illustrious” Auradon Prep to learn to be good. However, their parents have sent them with a different goal in…
Coffee with Supt. Reeves is at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday
Anyone interested in asking Wayland Union Schools Superintendent Tim Reeves bond proposal questions can join him at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 18, at Bell's Colonial Kitchen in Dorr.
Sixth grade band, choir, orchestra to perform
A sixth grade music concert will be presented from 7 to 8 p.m. Thursday, April 20, at the Wayland High School Fine Arts Center auditorium. Performing will be the 6th…
Moline Mill Co-op to have Kids’ Day Saturday
The Moline Mill Co-op will be host for a special “Kids’ Day” celebration from 10 a,m. to noon Saturday, April 15. The mill is located at 1231 Peony Ave., west…
‘Poor Farms’ presentation set at Dorr Twp. Library
Adam Oster from the Library of Michigan will talk about the early history of Michigan Poorhouses or “Poor Farms” and their attempts to care for the poor, elderly and destitute.…