Moline Mill Co-op to have Kids’ Day Saturday
The Moline Mill Co-op will be host for a special “Kids’ Day” celebration from 10 a,m. to noon Saturday, April 15. The mill is located at 1231 Peony Ave., west…
‘Poor Farms’ presentation set at Dorr Twp. Library
Adam Oster from the Library of Michigan will talk about the early history of Michigan Poorhouses or “Poor Farms” and their attempts to care for the poor, elderly and destitute.…
‘Photo Walk’ scheduled for Saturday morning, April 8
A "Photo Walk" for any photography skill level is planned for 9 a.m. Saturday, April 8. throughout downtown Wayland. Organizers said it will be an opportunity to get coffee or…
Easter Egg hunt is Saturday at Hopkins Elementary
EDITOR'S EDITOR'S NOTE: Because of the expected inclement weather, the hunt has been moved to Hopkins Elementary School.
Salem plans public hearing Monday on park grant
Salem Township is seeking a Michigan Department of Natural Resources grant to repair and enhance the Salem Township Park. Supervisor James Pitsch has announced there will be a public hearing…
Next Wayland bond issue meeting will be Monday
The Wayland Union Schools Bond Committee will have another public meeting to discuss and examined the May 2 special election on the bond proposal. The session is scheduled for 6…
Hopkins Supt. candidate interviews will be Wednesday
The Hopkins Schools Board of Education has selected candidates to interview Wednesday evening, March 22, for superintendent of schools. Current Supt. Gary Wood recently announced his intention to retire at…
Two 3rd grade concerts planned at Fine Arts Center
Two third grade choir concerts will be held next week at the Fine Arts Cent er at Wayland High School. Steeby Elementaryt third-graders will sing at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March…