Wayland Union Schools Supt. Tim Reeves will resume the “Coffee with the Superintendent” series later this month andnext month at Biggby Coffee in Wayland and Bell’s Colonial Kitchen in Dorr.…
The Wayland Union Schools’ Theater Showcase, will be presented by the local Thespian Society at7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 16, at the Wayland High School Fine Arts Center. Included will be…
Gun Lake Winterfest officials have announced the food vendors that will be on site at the celebration Saturday, Feb. 18. The food vendors will be: ● JUDD'S BAR AND GRILL…
The Wayland High School band and orchestra will present a pre-festival concert from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 15, at the Wayland High School Fine Arts Center, 870 East…
The Wildcat Dance Theatre will present "Winter Concert 2023" at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Wayland Union High School Fine Arts Center, 870 East Superior St.
Gun Lake Winterfest Idol contestants can enroll at 2 more locations to the quarter- finals, Elks Lodge #1965 and Twisted Bull, for a total of six! Top 3 winners at…
Valentines Day, from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 14, Gun Lake Winterfest will be host for the annual Trivia night fund-raiser for Family Promise of Barry County at the…