Remember to ‘fall back’ this coming Sunday morning
West Michigan residents are reminded to turn back their clocks at 2 a.m. Sunday because of Daylight Savings Time. Perhaps the best way to remember is the phrase "Spring Ahead,…
Theatriks to present ‘The Tempest’ Nov. 3, 4 and 5
Wayland Theatriks will present William Shakespeare's "The Tempest* Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the Wayland High School Fine Arts Center. The performances are scheduled for 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday,…
Wayland Middle School ensembles plan ‘Spooktacular’
The Wayland Union Middle School orchestra and band will present a spooky concert for the season at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 27, at the Fine Arts Center. The concert will…
WHS Orchestra plans fall concert Tuesday, Oct. 25
The Wayland Union High School Orchestra will present a fall concert from 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 25, at the Fine Arts Center. The concert will be live streamed…
‘Monster Marsh’ planned in downtown Wayland Oct. 29
Billed as something to do in town over the Halloween holiday weekend, the city of Wayland will have a “Monster Mash” celebration downtown on Saturday evening, Oct. 29. The festival…