Fine Arts Center
870 E. Superior St.
Wayland Union High School theater students will perform the comedy “The Day the Internet Died” by Ian McWethy and Jason Pizzarello at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 19, at the Wayland High School Fine Arts Center.
This is a fund-raiser for the group’s upcoming trip to the Michigan Educational Theatre Association Festival.
Tickets are $5 for students and adults at the door.
“The Day the Internet Died” has a plot that includes: On a sunny day in the town of Bloomington, a devastating occurrence happens. No, it’s not famine, or floods, or loss of your basic rights. The internet has gone down! And it will continue to be down! For a week! A whole week! Pandemonium! In a world that is so dependent on the internet for shopping, mailing, and posting pictures of cute babies, how will society function? Not well, as it turns out.