It took only a few days for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to issue an Epidemic Public Health Order in the wake of the Michigan Supreme Court overturning Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s executive orders on the Covid pandemic.

MDHHS Director Robert Gordon Monday issued an emergency order restricting gathering sizes, requiring face coverings in public spaces, and places limitations on bars and other venues. Under MCL 333.2253, if the MDHHS director determines control of an epidemic is necessary to protect the public health, the director by emergency order may prohibit the gathering of people for any purpose and may establish procedures to be followed during the epidemic to insure continuation of essential public health services and enforcement of health laws.

Violations of this order are punishable by a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than six months or a fine of not more than $200, or both or by a civil fine of up to $1,000.

The health department largely reinstated three major aspects of Whitmer’s emergency orders — It requires individuals to wear masks when at gatherings or schools for all grades, limits the size of gatherings indoors and though the order does not close bars, it requires them to close indoor common areas where people can congregate, dance, or otherwise mingle.

The Michigan Supreme Court Friday ruled that “The executive orders issued by the Governor in response to the COVID-19 pandemic lack any basis under Michigan law.” The Court indicated that its decision “leaves open many avenues for the Governor and Legislature to work together” to address the challenges posed by the pandemic.

The court’s order does not affect the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services which require organizations to have many of the same health and safety protocols in place as required by the governor’s executive orders.

In light of the recent court ruling, the Allegan County Health Department and the Wayland, Hopkins and Martin schools have decided to continue to follow the guidelines of the executive order.

Allegan County as of today has reported only seven deaths from the Coronavirus, with 851 cases, 667 recoveries and 49 hospitalizations.

“Allegan County has done a great job in mitigating the spread of COVID-19 through the strategies that have been in place throughout the community. We remain confident our community will continue those efforts and help keep each other safe,” Allegan County Health Officer Angelique Joynes said. “At this time, the Allegan County Health Department stresses the importance of consistency and keeping core COVID-19 mitigation strategies in place while more specific guidance is developed. At a minimum, these strategies include proper mask use, social distancing, frequent handwashing, and staying home if you are sick.”


Don't Tread On Me
October 6, 2020
Just like Democrat lackey, limit freedom and liberty. The United States is no more.
John Wilkens
October 6, 2020
It's about time Governor Whitmer was shut down over her abuse of power.........Michigan Supreme Court got it 100% right. Cheers!!
October 7, 2020
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” C. S. Lewis Governor Whitmer, clearly not a very avid reader. Everyone knows this is a dangerous virus that is out there and spreading. We get it, ok? Maybe its just guilt about that nursing home thing? Individuals need to make choices as free people to decide whether or not to wear a mask and social distance. People should know better than to visit the elderly or infirm and not to have large gatherings. County health departments also have authority to issue orders appropriate to the situation in a given county. It would be best if the Governor abandoned her usual petulant approach for once and at this point simply followed the constitutional process with consent of the governed through their elected representatives. I personally choose to wear a mask indoors and to avoid large gatherings. I also will not dine at a restaurant indoors or outdoors. I will do carry out. I take appropriate precautions and avoid people that appear blatantly stupid about the virus but I'm also not going to hide from it, as my chances of survival if I catch it are about 99.6%.
Harry Smit
October 7, 2020
Yes the United States is a-changing and has been for many years. No doubt we are limited in freedom and liberty from years ago. Our freedom of speech isn't what it was years ago. Many words and phrases can land you in jail or court. Can one only imagine this country without some rules and regulations? It would be total chaos. Did the governor abuse her power? According to the Michigan Supreme Court yes. Does that mean the regulations were wrong... not completely. The health departments still apply some of them to this day. Should we not have done anything at the start of this pandemic? Readers of this publication know my view has always been let nature take its course. Would I be writing this if that had been done? Who knows? I have adapted and now wear the mask and due to where I am employed have to enforce the mask rule. Leading to unpleasant confrontation and removal of the patron. Was there a need to loose so many small businesses....that question really has no answer. They may have "hung on " but other factors than the pandemic may have also forced their closure. This virus is more than a disease with a possible cure. From the beginning it has been used as a political pawn by all sides. With we... those stuck in the middle either following or trying to rebel... are the losers in this game. Everyone still has a choice use the protection methods that are not 100% or go about life as normal. Hopefully, not spreading the virus until you become to ill and end up at the hospital. But that is the "beauty" about life in this country. You are not shot or jailed when you fail to follow mandated health protections you may disagree with.

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