The Wayland Best Western Hotel will get a new neighbor if the latest cannabis store is approved.

A fifth retail cannabis business in the City of Wayland earned a recommendation Tuesday evening from the City Planning Commission, which also gave its blessing to a child care business in the Wildflower Court residential subdivision.

Both proposals will be taken up later this month by the Wayland City Council.

Also, General RV’s site plan review for an addition and remodeling at its site on Reno Drive was approved.

The proposal marijuana retail business would be next door to the Best Western Hotel in the 200 block of Reno Drive, where The Woods wants to construct a new stand-alone building to serve as the facility.

Alexander Keiswetter told plan commissioners he would be willing to add a sidewalk to promote “pedestrian connectivity.”

The four other retail cannabis outlets, approved since the city adopted an ordinance last summer, are located next door to Sweet Leaf Glass on Clark Street, on West Superior Street downtown, on South Main downtown and just further east on West Superior Street next to Shear Concepts.

The special use permit for Nicole Santana Bueno on Wildflower Court did elicit an objection from neighbor Dallas Froberg, who maintained the child care business would change the nature of the residential neighborhood and would add to traffic and noise problems.

Commission Chairman JD Gonzales told Froberg, “I feel the pain when changes come and there is increase traffic and noise,” noting he’s personally gone through it himself.

Eventually, the commission determined that a safety fence around the house would be essential to final approval.

A request by Recco Products on South Main for an expansion was tabled until next month.

In an unrelated matter, Gonzales noted that the three-year terms of commissioners Mark Lyons and Andrew Shelest were expiring, but Shelest was absent from the meeting, so action on them seeking another term or stepping aside was delayed until next month.


January 10, 2023
If I could, I might use a Trump quote. What a #### hole. What a poor example for our children. 6 spots serving booze and 5 pot shops...really. Shame, shame, shame. My opinon, my choice. But boy oh boy, look at the tax $$$.
Harry Smit
January 10, 2023
David I'm guessing you would much rather have 11 more Churches than businesses that pay taxes. If the market is there they will prosper if not than there will be five more buildings standing vacant. We will just wait and see how it turns out. Of course, if this is such a horrible place to reside. I'm also guessing you might be moving and not see what happens.
January 11, 2023
I'd rather my kids use their hands to pray then use them to roll dope...
January 11, 2023
I certainly hope they pray for a good selection at these locations. Let the good times roll!
A Reader
January 12, 2023
David, Just as those who take a knee during the national anthem are told, "If you don't like it, leave it."
January 10, 2023
I couldn't have said it better Mr Smit.
January 11, 2023
There are many studies showing drug and alchohol use to be counter cyclical with respect to the economy. Maybe that explains why this is the only way we're growing locally right now. However, one pot shop per thousand people does sound a little dense. What is needed are some check cashing, payday loan, and pawn shops sprinkled in there. Then we'd have our own little piece of "8 Mile Road" Pure Michigan. Things that make you wonder where we’re headed - addressing the sale of drug laced gummies and daycare in the same meeting.

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