The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has notified the Allegan County Health Department (ACHD) that the Omicron variant has been identified in an Allegan County resident.

A case investigation determined the resident, who was vaccinated and received a booster dose, had traveled internationally. The resident had been isolating since returning home.
“The presence of Omicron in our county is not surprising, however it stresses the importance of testing especially before and after any recent holiday gatherings,” said ACHD Health Officer Angelique Joynes. “Testing helps identify infections and isolate those with COVID-19 to reduce risk of transmission.”
The Center for Disease Contol has indicated the Omicron variant will likely spread more easily. How easily Omicron spreads, compared to the Delta variant, remains unknown. The CDC expects that anyone with the Omicron infection can spread the virus to others, even if they are vaccinated or don’t have symptoms.
Current vaccines are expected to protect against severe illness, hospitalizations, and deaths due to infection with the Omicron variant. Breakthrough infections in people who are fully vaccinated, however, are likely to occur.
The following prevention strategies help reduce transmission of the COVID-19 virus and can help limit variants:
• Vaccination and Booster doses for those eligible.
• Testing for COVID-19, especially before gatherings.
• Mask wearing in public indoor spaces.
• Social distancing from others.
• Staying home if you are sick or have symptoms.
• Isolation if you test positive for COVID-19 or have symptoms.
• Notify your close contacts if you test positive.
• Follow recommendations for traveling.
COVID-19 rapid and PCR testing are available to individuals of any age, regardless of symptoms. There is a testing event from 1 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 29, at the Allegan County Transportation Building, 750 Airway Drive, Allegan. Individuals under the age of 18 will need parent/guardian consent.
Please register before testing. For more information, visit or
This poor person was injected three times with an expirimental miracle vaccine and still managed to become infected with Covid? Hmm. And I’m supposed to believe this vaccine is safe and effective and I should go get it to save all humanity? No thanks, I will pass.
This poor three time injected person Is not in the ICU taking up a bed from concerned Citizens! Hmm .I got all three and feel responsible. Get a Flu shot thats been around for many years and get the Flu ? Hmm?
I did not require a hospital bed of any kind during my covid illness. My case was mild and I was well in a couple of days, thank God.
I know 2 people who are fully vaccinated (all 3 shots) who have spent time in an ICU bed. One spent many days in that ICU bed.
Please do not rely totally on this experimental vaccine to keep you safe, it is not failsafe. Wash your hands, stay away from sick people and take your vitamins. I do not say that to trivialize this virus, I say it because I care. I know too many people who fully believe all that’s needed is the vaccine to keep safe. One of those people spent time in an ICU bed. Be well Mr Longstreet.
If this “experimental ” drug doesn’t work/ help. Why do the statistics point to the fact more unvaccinated die than vaccinated?
Your anti-vaccine people will call your statistics fake news? Even though its true! They use God and Freedom as an excuse?
How many vaccines did you and I have to take just to go to school? Yet two old geezers still survive.
Dennis, God and Freedom are never an excuse. God and Freedom are the American Way.
What a bunch of BS . You must be living in the past. Freedom is not a given it was earned for us by several Veterans years ago . Not to be used as a tool used by anti everything morons. God ? Did you hear the story of god sending the man in a flood a taxi a boat and a helicopter the man drowned. Now He sent us a vaccine. Use it!!
You just ruined my self esteem. I really don’t know how I will look into the mirror again….. no, not really. SORRY.
Sir, My God gave me freedom. Our Vetereans help keep it. It might be good for you to read our nations Declaration of Independence.
Happy New Year to all and to all a goodnight.
If all it took was three shots to save humanity that would be great. You still have to use your head keep your tongue in your mouth and your hands in your pockets. 79 % of people in the hospital for covid are unvaccinated the other 21% thought 3 shots was all they had to do to be safe. Cant get a tetnus shot then sleep on a bed of rusty nails.
Mr Longstreet
Not true you can sleep on a bed of rusty nails, become injured but the possibility of contracting tents will be rare.
Of course using realistic prevention is the best, but most humans adhere to pushing the limits.
My point being statically those vaccinated have a lower chance of death than the non vaccinated.
There is a large amount of the population that fails to comprehend this, and will argue it to their death. Until the virus mutates to a less serious strain, multitudes will die due to ignorance, and their misunderstandings of freedom of choice.
Once a disease is made political, the human race is very likely able to destroy itself. Only time will tell…..
So Dennis, what excuse do you have for my co-worker, and another neighbor both in the hospital and can’t hardly breathe, been triple vaccinated and boostered up, tested positive.
Old age? From smoking? Neither of them never smoked. One of my aunts followed Twitmer and sleepy Joes demands to get shot up, and she’s sick.
Most of the people I know that are sick right now with it have been vaccinated.
My cousin who works at spectrum said the numbers you see on the news are exaggerated.
But that’s ok, go ahead and keep sitting in your bubble, while the rest of us continue to live our lives with what freedom we have that people like you are willing to give away! Moron
Seems like you would know your co-worker and neighbor better than me. What did they do after being vaccinated??What did your aunt do? You must not know many people. I know of a lot of unvaccinated who are sick. Your cousin who cleans bathrooms or changes sheets must not have read the reports required by hospitals every month? I do not live in bubble, I just use my head!
Dennis, these people remind me of the adults in the Charlie Brown cartoons — when the experts speak all they hear is “wawawa.” And when people who haven’t bought into the Big Lie, what we hear is that you can still get sick but you have a better chance of staying out of the hospital or in the grave. I’ve heard the same thing from a friend pretty much the same story as Eskimo, but it’s kinda funny I never hear from the people who actually have been hospitalized or from the nurses who are saying this is blown out of proportion. Faux news should be all over that.
What did they do after being vaccinated? Well after getting sick after the 2nd shot. They’ve been working and living their lives. They don’t go out that much. Definitely not as much as my self, but they’re not afraid.
My aunt, between drinking her wine, and babysitting her grandkids. She’s home with cold like symptoms.
As for my cousin, are we talking about the same one? I don’t have a cousin that changes bed sheets and cleans the bathrooms, I have a cousin who is an RN, who went to school, educated, who said spectrum is in it for the money. It’s no big secret. Just gotta wake up.