Ten Wayland High School students performed at the solo and ensemble festival Feb. 4 at Grand Valley State and five earned the right to move on to the state festival next month.

The WUHS Honors Choir and Select Choir both received high-two ratings. Honors Choir was only two points away from a one rating and Select Choir was only one point away. One judge sharing said that that he was impressed with their teamwork and that they are singing college level repertoire.

The 10 students (cover photo) who performed at solo and ensemble as soloists (from left, back row) Andy Hinds, Kayden Balch, Madison Swisher, Kaylee Cooper, Haylee Bockheim, (front row) Nikolette Harrison, Lillian Harrison, Suriyah Wilson, Lorelei Beckwith. Not pictured is Rylee Brown.

The five state qualifiers were Kayden Balch, Andy Hinds, Suriyah Wilson, Lillian Harrison, Nikolette Harrison.

The five students auditioned for a place in the South West Michigan Vocal Music Festival (SWVMF) Honors Choir qualified were (above photoKayleigh Warmbold, Andy Hinds, Kaylee Cooper, Stephen Harnish and Nikolette Harrison.

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