Lt. Col. Harman “Pete” Stull

Former Wayland City Manager Harman “Pete” Stull was recognized at Monday night’s Wayland City Council meeting for being inducted into the Ohio Army ROTC Hall of Fame.

Stull, who retired from the military as a lieutenant colonel, most recent was commander of the command of the 128th Armor Battalion and commander of the Fort Custer Training Center in Battle Creek. He came on board as Wayland’s city manager in 1987, tried to retire, but in 1998 was selected as Caledonia Township Manager.

A native of Kentucky, Lt. Col. Stull earned his agriculture degree from Ohio State in 1955 and was commissioned as an armor officer through ROTC. After an initial tour in the 11th Cavalry, Lt. Col. Stull maintained his membership in the Army Reserve requested active duty in the 1950s. He was assigned to a tank battalion in Germany where he became a tank company commander. While in Germany he also attended the Air Force Air Controller School at Ramstein Air Base.

Returning to Fort Knox in 1966 he was assigned to the Training Analysis Branch at the Armor Center.  He was responsible for planning the Annual Training Tests (ATT) for all TO&E units at Fort Knox. In 1967 Lt. Col. Stull was assigned to the Inspector General office, 17th Signal Brigade, Republic of Vietnam. He returned to Fort Knox for two years where he was assigned as a Branch Chief in the Armor School Office of the Director of Instruction.

His second Vietnam tour began in 1970. He was assigned to the Plans and Force Structure Division of MACV (Military Assistance Command Vietnam). His major duties involved visiting and living with Vietnamese units to ascertain their operational readiness.

When he returned to the United States, Lt. Col. Stull was assigned to the U.S. Army Advisor Group for the Michigan Army National Guard. Eventually became the Armor Branch Team Chief at the U.S. Army Readiness Group, Selfridge at the Selfridge Air National Guard Base near Detroit.

Eventually Lt. Col. Stull was convinced to accept a full-time position with the Michigan Army National guard where he served the remainder of his career until retirement.

Lt. Col. Stull’s awards include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, and Army Achievement Medal.

Lt. Col. Stull is a member of the VFW, American Legion, and the DAV. He still lives in Wayland on Park Street, across the street from the Wayland City Park.

After accepting the plaque from the State of Michigan, he told City Council members, “Wayland is my home town. I think what’s happened over the last20 years is making this a beautiful village. It keeps getting better every year.”

In other business at Monday night’s meeting, the council:

• Was told by City Manager Joshua Eggleston some research is being done about the possibility of offering wi-fi service in the City Park.

“It it’s a huge rate, we’re not going to proceed,” he said. “Otherwise, it’s an extended service that will benefit people who use the park.”

• Learned from City Water Superintendent Ben Batchelder that city water mains will be flushed sometime in the middle of the month.

• Was told by Councilman Rick Mathis that the skate park needs some repairs and Eggleston promised that will be handled soon.

• Fielded a suggestion from Gail Hollinger to reboot the local Tree Committee, which has been inactive with the change in city managers since last August.

• Learned the outdoor bathrooms at the Rabbit River Trail will be made genmder neutral in accordance with approved city policy.

COVER PHOTO: Harman “Pete’ Stull thanks everyone at the City Council meeting on the receipt of his plaque for his selection to the Ohio Army ROTC Hall of Fame.



Robert M Traxler
April 3, 2018
Congratulations Ltc. Stull, you are a great example of the type of Americans ROTC produces. A great man who was trained in ROTC to be a great leader. Sir, thank you for your service.
Free Market Man
April 3, 2018
Pete is an American Patriot and the BEST City Manager Wayland ever had. Congratulations Pete - richly deserved!
Lindy Anderson
April 3, 2018
Congratulations Pete! You earned your award and we are proud of all your accomplishments. You were a great city manager and always had your ducks in a row. With your leadership the City of Wayland made great strides which we continue to reap the benefits today. Thanks for your service to the country and the city. We are proud to call you friend. Sincerely, Lindy and Eva Anderson
Mike Williams
April 3, 2018
Pete is the type of people that truly makes America great. Thank you Pete for being a great example of class and leadership.

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