Myrna Marr

Myrna Marr, 65, Dorr, former Dorr Township Treasurer, appeared in 57th District Court Thursday, July 7, charge of larceny of $1,000 or more, but less than $20,000.

The felony complaint had been filed by Michigan State Police. Arrested on June 15, she has posted $1,000 bond.

A probable cause conference is scheduled for Thursday, July 14, in front of District Judge William Baillargeon and preliminary examination has been scheduled for Tuesday, July 19.

Marr abruptly resigned her position at the beginning of this year after being elected in November 2020 Before then she had served as deputy treasurer to Jim Martin, who retired. She did not give a reason for her resignation.

Townbroadcast, at that time, wrote, “… it has been no secret there has been a lot of tension and vitriol between her (Marr) and Trustees Chandler Stanton and John Tuinstra and Clerk Debbie Sewers. Stanton called her out publicly last year after he discovered a discrepancy of a little more than $8,000 in the budget expenditures…”

Laurie Perry has been appointed to succeed Marr in the treasurer’s post and will be up for election in the August primary to finish out the rest of the term.


Robert M Traxler
July 9, 2022
So, Mr. Stanton was correct? He took the appropriate action? If Mr. Stanton walked on water the editorial in the Town Broadcast would be about him not being able to swim.
Dennis Longstreet
July 9, 2022
Must be proven guilty first? the man who walked on water knew where rocks were .
July 9, 2022
I have been told it is not one but TWO felony charges. Moreover it has been alleged funds were taken from Dorr Townships bank account on more than one occasion. Dorr Townships residents deserve the truth, why hasn't the Supervisor issued a statement?
July 9, 2022
This is way past she said, he said. As previously reported Trustee Stanton had found what he thought was a discrepancy in the township’s financials of several thousand dollars and publicly questioned the now former treasurer. The Michigan State Police were called. Based on their investigation, brought their findings to the prosecutor’s office. The Allegan County prosecutors office reviewed the MSP’s findings, decided there was adequate cause to issue a warrant on suspicion of felony larceny. They went to the judge or county magistrate who issued the arrest warrant. That’s multiple people after Trustee Stanton acted on his fiduciary responsibility to the township when he questioned the now former treasurer. The MSP findings were reviewed by the prosecutor’s office and in their opinion there more than a one time error like transposing numbers. It’s a felony warrant because of the sum allegedly taken. In mid July the case goes to conference where the accused with her attorney present could make a plea deal or request a trial. If the former treasurer believes she’s innocent she will request a trial.
John Wilkens
July 10, 2022
2030, Thanks for your input ............... Cheers!!
July 9, 2022
Sad deal for citizens of Dorr. Let us pray Justice will be done for them.
John Wilkens
July 10, 2022
Thank you Mr Stanton for staying the course and asking the tough questions. I know reading here on Town Broadcast it was apparent the editor had a fondness with Martin and Marr and was certain (my opinion) thought this was a witch hunt. In addition, thanks to Joseph B reporting an update on this current case. Even up to July 8 the editor still was leaning towards this being fake news........ His words "Perhaps you know something I don’t. Have charges been filed? Or is this “fake news?” Fortunately he will not be able to protect them anymore. Cheers!!
July 10, 2022
What I find more ironic from the Famous Three, is that they failed to recognize that why is this always seems to be happening in Allegan County, where a treasurer has been caught stealing from the pot. And I can guarantee they're always a Republican, but what else is new when they learned it from the best crook and grifter they elected for the 45th president of the United States.
July 10, 2022
FWRF, I suspect you very well maybe a profound intellectual. Perhaps operating with the logic of Aristotle and Socrates combined. I am guessing you are a Harvard Professor? Thanks so much for your wisdom.
July 11, 2022
David You left out my credentials in Theology. May my word be the only one you hear. For I have spoken!
Chris Gesink
July 10, 2022
Might be time to hire an outside accounting service to do all township financials. Payroll,invoices,collecting taxes,etc. They can provide good reports on funds coming in and expenditures going out. All township offices wouldn't have access to the funds.
July 10, 2022
Good for you Chandler. We need more people on the board like you. Hope you run again.
Joseph B.
July 12, 2022
>Trustee Chandler Stanton, with apparent support from Trustee John Tuinstra, shared his opinion about a shortfall of $8,250 in the township budget over the past year. And he was hell bent on casting suspicions on Treasurer Myrna Marr and her predecessor, Jim Martin. Interesting,townbroadcast posted this months ago.
John Wilkens
July 13, 2022
Joseph, Excellent observation. Now only hearing crickets from the editor........ Cheers!!

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