Jack Robert Romme, former police training field commander for many years at Elk Grove, Ill., died at age 75.Jack Robert Romme, age 75  Thursday, Aug. 5.

Former colleague Chuck Walsh said, “I was hired as a police officer in December of 1974 and Jack was assigned as my field training officer. Since those early days, I was honored to have worked with and for him. Time doesn’t allow for the many stories we shared. I can honestly say that he was a person of impeccable character and he will sorely be missed.”

“Retired Police Commander Romme served the community and was a friend and mentor to many officers and community partners. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.

Laura Pavlak said, “I am so sorry to hear of Jack’s passing. The loss is great and very devastating when a person dies. I can only tell how sorry I am… I will remember Jack in a very special way.”

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