Former Townbroadcast columnist Denise Merlau (“Everyday Joys”) is getting back into the business of writing.

The former Denise Dykstra stepped aside a couple of years ago and became the Martin Township Clerk in January 2023, succeeding Rachelle Smit, who was elected to the 43rd State Representative seat. Ms. Merlau then was forced to resign as clerk because she moved out of the district while divorcing husband Jason Dykstra.

The divorce was declared final last month and since then she has decided to try her hand at writing her own blog and is seeking whatever financial support she can get.

Townbroadcast reached out to her to try to coax her back into resuming her column, but she replied, “I appreciate your offer. You know how I enjoyed writing for your site. I am going to see how this tentative step back into writing goes and just write for myself. Let’s see how it goes!”

Those interested may visit her first blog writing effort at


January 2, 2024
David, While I understand your excitement to share that Denise is writing again, I am quite displeased and disgusted with you publicly posting personal details of hers here. You could have easily left out her personal life details and just shared your excitement and a link to her blog. I understand freedom of speech and you can write whatever you want, but respecting a former writer of yours personal and private life details seems like common sense. Did you get permission from Denise and clear this article with her prior to publishing it? Also the link you provided is incorrect and is to her personal Facebook rather than the blog.
January 2, 2024
Denise is an amazing writer, published author, and beautiful person. I loved that you had her writing for your publication. But, you should have reached out to her to approve this article, especially after all she did for you and your publication (without pay). Every writer enjoys being paid for their work, but to say that she is “seeking whatever financial support she can get,” is not accurate and quite condescending. I’m glad you want to tell others about her writing but the rest of this feels cringy at best.

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