Stacey BroweStacey Browe, a former Wayland City police officer, has announced she will be a candidate for Kent County Sheriff in the Republican Party August primary.

Browe, who now is a public safety officer at Davenport University, will challenge four-term incumbent Larry Stelma. She will join Stelma, Tim Lewis and John Stedman, all Republicans, on the ballot. No Democrats have filed as yet.

Browe said she wants to do more to stop heroin from coming into Kent County.

“Being a proper leader is getting your deputies properly trained,” she said. “We are responsible for who’s bringing in the drugs and we need to look into that.”

The Michigan Sheriffs’ Association reported there are no female sheriffs in the state.

Browe is a graduate of Grand Rapids Community College and has seven years of experience as a MCOLES Certified Peace Officer.

“I’m not a career politician,” sae commented on her web site. “I’m a mom, a conservative, an athlete, and I’ve been a Kent County resident for over 30 years. I’m running for sheriff because, like most of you, I recognize the need for new leadership within the sheriff’s office.”

She added, “Sir Robert Peel, commonly known as the father of modern policing, once said ‘The police are the people and the people are the police.’ One of the best examples of this philosophy in use, is our election process which allows qualified people to run for the office of sheriff, and for one of them to be elected!”

PHOTO: Stacey Browe

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