Word has been received about the death of Jose Blanco, formerly of Shelbyville. He was 76.

He died last Sunday at Bronson Hospital in Kalamazoo. He had suffered several strokes over the past several years.

A member of the Blanco family that founded the rural furniture store more than 70 years ago at the corner of 10th Street and 124th Avenue, he graduated from Wayland High School in 1961 and Western Michigan University in 1973.

He and his late wife, Christine, were well known for their community activism and support for progressive causes. He met Christine while attending Western Michigan University, where she was a foreign exchange student.

Mr. Blanco was active in politics, serving as Wayland Township supervisor for one four-year term and he ran for State Senate, losing to William VanRegenmorter in 1994. He also lost a bid to be Wayland Township clerk.

Among his survivors are brother George, sisters Carmen and Sylvia, and three sons, Sebastian, Lucas and Christopher, all Wayland High School graduates.

Son Sebastian indicated a memorial service will be held Saturday, May 9. Details will be reported at a later date.

COVER PHOTO: Father and sons: (from left) Christopher, Jose Sebastian and Lucas Blanco.

1 Comment

Lynn Mandaville
January 11, 2020
Dave and I are so sad to learn of Jose's death. He was a long-time friend, along with his wife, Christine. Our boys all went through school together at Wayland, and we spent years sweating at swim meets together. Pop always said that we live through seasons of life, and this is the winter of my generation. I don't like it one little bit. Love and peace to the Blanco boys. We share your loss.

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