Word has been received of the death Nov. 25 of Laraine Oswald Anderson, a 1964 graduate of Wayland High School. She was presumed to be 73.
Joan Morgenstern Miller, a classmate, said she had been called by Laraine’s husband to announce her passing. Her husband of 52 years, Barry Anderson, was her constant caregiver for the last two years after her initial stroke.
Prior to retirement, Laraine spent the last 30 years of her career working at St. Mary’s/Trinity Health in Grand Rapids as a Nurse Practioner/RN in surgical services/anesthesia.
She is survived by her daughter, Kristen (Scott) Litzenberg of Middleville, grandchildren and great grandchildren and her sister, Deann (Charles) Stankey.
She is preceded in death by her parents, Milo and Esther Oswald of Wayland.
A memorial service is being considered for next year.
COVER PHOTO: There were eight cheerleaders during the 1963-64 academic year at Wayland High School, including (top row, from left) Sandy Kotrba, Susan Burpee, Laraine Oswald, Pudge Washburn, (bottom row) JoAnn Longstreet, Donna Stora, Susan Longstreet and Judy Bala.