Voters in the City of Wayland will see more than the local school bond proposal on the ballot Nov. 7. There are four experienced candidates seeking three open seats for two-year terms on the City Council.

Three of candidates are incumbents, including Mayor Pro Tem Jennifer Antel and council members Lisa Banas and Rick Mathis. They will be joined in the race by Sheryl Hamilton, who served on the City Council from 2005 to 2011.

Sheryl Hamilton

Sheryl Hamilton

After being on the council for six years, one year as mayor pro tem, Hamilton said she decided to step down for a couple of reasons: “I had a mother suffering from Alzheimers and my time needed to be spent with her. I also started a new job at the Gun Lake Casino.

“The combination of both just did not allow me the time I felt the city deserved. I am in a better place now and would love to give my time back to the city.”

Hamilton has lived in Wayland since 1990 and has worked for United Bank and Chemical Bank before joining the casino six years ago as count team manager.

She served on the Budget/Finance committee, Parks Committee and chaired the Downtown Task Force. She still is a member of the Compensation Committee.

Jennifer Antel

Jennifer Antel

A substitute teacher, Wayland Middle School cross country coach and Pampered Chef consultant, Antel is seeking her seventh two-year term. She holds a master’s degree in public administration with emphasis in city management from Grand Valley State University.

She has been a passionate supporter of a bike and pedestrian trail along what used to be called the interurban and has been active in the Downtown Development Authority and city park development.

Lisa Banas

Lisa Banas

The senior vice president of retail administration at United Bank, Banas has served two terms on the Wayland City Council and is ex-officio representative for the city on the Wayland Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals.

Banas said she believes the expertise she brings to the city is in business and finances. She said she is passionate about bringing business and development to the community while being respectful of the wishes of local residents.

Rick Mathis

Rick Mathis

Mathis is vice president at Kenrie Inc. and has been a member of the council for the past four years. He was perhaps best known for his involvement with local community festivals such as the Fall Fun Fest, Art Hop and the Main Street summer festival.

He said that during his past two terms he has been passionate about representing the voices of his fellow citizens, incorporating positive additions to the city, and continuing to assure a balanced budget.

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