IMG_1023The intersection of 18th Street and 142nd Avenue has been a bit of a traffic bottleneck for motorists in Dorr over the past week. Consumers Power workers have been working in installing a new gas line, causing traffic to be limited to just one lane at the four corners traffic light, one of the busiest in Allegan County.


John Wilkins
August 18, 2016
Perfect example of POOR planning. The town Fathers did everything in their power to force the sewer project in then only to rip it up once again. Interesting to see what the patch job looks like in the next few years. Hopefully they plan a bit better when they install our new roads. Great job!!
August 18, 2016
I believe the sewer was installed in 2010. The current project is being done by Consumers Energy. It is being done in the County right of way. The first the township heard about it was three weeks ago when the contractor came in looking for plans for the underground sewer & to ask ‘where can we hook-up for water’ for their water truck. The Township Board had no say in the current project. Luckily though they did have the foresight (GOOD planning?) to put in the ‘new’ traffic signal. Imagine the mess if it was a a four way stop. Consumers is planning for continuing growth for Dorr Twp. Jim Martin Dorr Twp Treasurer
Robert M Traxler
August 19, 2016
Mr. Martin, Well said, a private project allowed by law on a County road leaves the Township mostly out of the equation. Allegan County road folks are notorious for being less than cooperative and perhaps not the most friendly bureaucrats you will ever deal with.
John Wilkins
August 20, 2016
OF course it is allowed by law, this is how easements work. If the Town Fathers would have contacted the gas utilities and had them assess the situation i.e. roads tore up they could have done the work then and not now. Pretty easy to blame some one else (ACRC).It comes back to POOR planning.

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