ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” article. It is an editorial by the editor.

Kudos to Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson today for announcing that her office will make absentee mail-in ballot applications available to every registered voter in Michigan.

Benson’s move is smart and common sense for the August primary and November general elections during the awful health crisis that is the Coronavirus, or COVID-19. She is not requiring anyone to vote by mail, she merely is making it easy for everyone to do so.

I have long believed in the old saying that if you want people to do something, make it easy for them to do it. For example, if you want people to recycle, make it easy for them to do by providing curbside services.

Meanwhile, I’ve been seeing a lot of Facebook memes just like the one above that insist voters show up at the polls instead of by mail. Those who insist on this very simply are being played cynically by the Republican Party in a naked power grab.

The GOP for a long time has opposed efforts to make it easier for the unwashed masses to vote. Republican operatives long have maintained that the opportunity for fraud and getting ballots lost in the mail is too great.

Yet studies consistently over the years have determined that incidences of fraud are extremely rare, and instances cited by the GOP are anecdotal.

It’s so bad that several Republicans have been quoted as publicly stating that if a lot of people are allowed to vote, their candidates won’t win. The lower the turnout, the better the prospects for the GOP.

Studies show that reports of voter fraud that include collection and illegal use of ballots — like the case of the Republican operative in North Carolina who investigators said collected and tampered with absentee ballots in 2018 — but experts stress that the numbers are exceedingly rare.

One particularly extensive study found just 491 incidents of alleged absentee voter fraud among more than a decade of elections and 146 million registered voters.

Five states — Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington and Utah — already vote entirely by mail, sending a ballot to registered voters. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, at least 21 other states allow some smaller elections, such as school board contests, to be conducted by mail. And they have the highest voter turnout percentages in the nation.

Election officials in the five mail voting states say they don’t have problems with fraud. And now in Michigan, we have a new law permitting absentee voting for no reason, after approval of more than two-thirds of the entire electorate in the November 2018 election.

I’ve lost patience with the quaint process of people having to miss part of a work day on a Tuesday to take time out to travel, show up, wait in line and cast their ballots at a designated place. The mail-in option is not only easier, but now with COVID-19, it’s a lot healthier.

To be sure, some clerks aren’t keen on the extra work involved with mail-in voting, but I can’t help but notice that in bygone days there were many more elections than four per year, which is the going rate in modern times.

Ladies and gentleman, despite my lifelong respect and admiration for Mark Twain, I think he was wrong when he said, “If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t let you do it.”

The way I see it now, voting is the only power we average, workaday, unwashed common folks have in a country that purports itself to be a democracy but worships at the altar of rich corporations who bribe the men and women who make our laws.





May 20, 2020
Poor David, I remember when voting was not just a privilege but also an honor to do so. Having to miss part of a day at work to travel, show up, wait in line to cast your ballot? Really? You do know that the polls are open for 12 hours on election day, don't you? Assuming you work an 8 hour day, that still leaves 4 hours to fight through the masses and "waste your time" on this mundane task of voting that you get to do once every 2 to 4 years. And yes, I do travel out of my immediate area that I live in to work and I somehow manage to get to the polling site either before going to work or coming back from a days work with plenty of time to spare. It's just that I consider it an honor and civic duty to go to my community polling site and vote rather than "just mailing it in". Your reasons (or excuses) sound to me to be more from laziness but that's just my opinion. And yes, there is also a much greater chance for voter fraud but that's another topic. Not really sure what your true meaning or definition of the "unwashed common folk" you use would be but maybe a simple bath might be in order in your daily routine. That is unless you don't have the time or energy for that, either. Sorry, but maybe I'm just being a grumpy old man.
Richard Miller
May 20, 2020
I do hope you know that Michigan law allows anyone to vote by absentee ballot. All they have to do is ask their local clerk to send them an application.
Lee M Greenawalt
May 20, 2020
I wonder why vote by mail needs extra funding. Perhaps because states refuse to save money by closing polling stations where local politicians can skew the voting.
Robert M Traxler
May 20, 2020
If someone offered you $1000.00 for your signed but otherwise blank ballot would take it? Millions would. Voter fraud exists but it is not prosecuted as it helps those in power. I move to Dorr from Chicago, voter fraud exists.
John Wilkens
May 20, 2020
Robert, Very well said. Unfortunately the Editor will not believe this information you bring forward. I am guessing the Editor wouldn't believe The Black Panthers presence doesn't or wouldn't influence voters either......Let's keep it (the current system) the way it is. Seems to have worked quite well for decades.........Someone always trying to reinvent the wheel....... Cheers!!
robert beck
May 20, 2020
I would like to see all these folks that are complaining about voter fraud give defined, certified examples of the fraud. I think it is mainly BS broad cast by those who want to stop people from voting. I have voted absentee for 24 years. The only trouble I ever had was when a township clerk would not mail an absentee ballot and I had to drive back from North Carolina on election day to vote. The clerk was not a Democrat. Even Trump's appointed election fraud group could not find examples of fraud. They remind me of this saying 'Often wrong, never in doubt".
John Wilkens
May 21, 2020
Robert, Here is just one example that took 1.2 seconds to find on google. I won't waste valuable space to list more examples. I am guessing the editor, the woman from AZ, Harry and yourself, will say this is not a factual article. Get real bub! Cheers!!
May 20, 2020
Just another way for the leftest Dumbacrats to literally Stuff the ballet With All them dead people voting ,illegal immigrants ,just waiting for their voice to be heard for the free handouts on the working Americans backbone . The following has got to be the dumbest thing I’ve read and quote from mr young. I’ve lost patience with the quaint process of people having to miss part of a work day on a Tuesday to take time out to travel, show up, wait in line and cast their ballots at a designated place. The mail-in option is not only easier, but now with COVID-19, it’s a lot healthier. Polling hours are from 7am till 8 pm and if there is a line at 8pm they can not turn you away ,as a Wayland township resident and heavy taxpayer ,voting has never taken more than 10 minutes. On the last note mr Young being the true socialist he is , does not work more than 13 hours a day I’m sure of that .Do not forget about H1-N1 and swine flu that the prodigy children were in charge of ,or as in the words of the of crazy Uncle Joe the N1-H1 .WHO iS FiT TO RUN THE COUNTRY ?
Harry Smit
May 20, 2020
Well you all have ideas why one should not vote absentee . But do they really make sense.? I can understand you not wanting voters to understand who or what they are voting for. As for paying for signatures one would have to spend billions to rig a National election. Does this really make sense? I can understand why the fewer people voting would make you happy. Let's face it you believe without different proof. If a candidate or issue has merit the majority of the time they/ it wins. I know most people have no idea the process of voting absentee works. That is evident by statements made by those that wish to limit voter turnout. We all know the dead in Chicago all vote Democratic.....really honestly believe that many vote to change the outcome. We also know every illegal immigrant votes in the United States...really. We know because our candidates or issues were defeated fraud had to be involved....really. Do you really have to stand in line to vote No.....but you are getting trained to stand line at the store to get in today so it must be the new normal one has to stand in line for every action . Are you lazy because you would rather vote by mail in the quiet of your so you can clearly think about your decision . You probably think it is prudent to bring your mailing telling you who to vote for because you didn't take the time to understand the issues. Just admit's not fraud, lost ballots, illegals voting , or the dead casting ballots . You are afraid your candidate has no chance of winning.
John Wilkens
May 21, 2020
Harry, One more example, the ole` mystery ballot box, suddenly is found........ They probably were just making this stuff up, come on dude get real! Cheers!
Harry Smit
May 21, 2020
Sir Nowhere in those articles has it shown proof those were voted ballots. If you have no real idea how the voting system works, one will believe anything. Yes. They may have been blank ballots with the wrong address. But not voted ballots. Not being sarcastic... but do you know how your county receives ballots? How the township/village/city gets them, how each precinct gets them? The absentee voting process... where all voted ballots are stored before and after voting... what is the difference in voting in person as opposed to voting absentee? What training is required for election workers in your precinct... the chain of responsibility for your ballot before and after voting (checks and balances), etc. Those who can not honestly answer all those questions really do not understand the voting system. There is only one way a ballot can be fraudulently voted and it works for in person and absentee voting alike. One only knows that answer if they truly understand the voting system. So call me what you may... Voting in person or absentee are the same in regards to worries about fraud
John Wilkens
May 21, 2020
Harry, Come on now, are you really drinking the kool-aid? I realize you were in charge of a precinct and feel you are much wiser than the rest of us uneducated fools, but come on. One example I am sure you will discount this as a fallacy. Walk into the Dorr Township Office and see where the "official" absentee ballots are stored during the day.........You seem to be in tune to proper procedures........Tell us........OK, I give I will tell you. You walk in the door with your private absentee ballot and the office lady says put in the Rubbermaid container on the counter along with several others voters, all unsecured. So try again when trying to give a history lesson on safe handling of ballots......... Cheers!!
Harry Smit
May 22, 2020
Sir Those ballots are secured... were you able to reach in and take one without being stopped? I can tell you those ballots are locked at the end of the office hours. Your fears are unfounded. By the way, did you grab one out to see what would happen? Of course you didn't. Once the ballots are in the clerk's office in Dorr Township because no one wants to fund a larger building....they are the container till closing then moved. Every clerk has asystem and it is secure. I know since many of us older election workers have retired, the township is always looking for workers. Why not avail yourself and see first hand how the election process is done in your township. It is very easy to sit back and throw stones. But it's much more constructive to be part of the process. Of course, elections will take you away from your high paying job, and working elections for meager wages seems not to be very popular. In closing, I am no wiser than anyone else. I just know how things were done when I was involved and they were secure and right. Remember, we went through a recall and my precinct was accused of not following procedure. Well, my workers and I passed with flying colors. I'm no expert, but I know when procedure is followed your ballot is secure, despite what you hear. Voting is a right not a privilege in the United States. We workers and clerks take it seriously.
May 21, 2020
What could possibly go wrong when we allow millions of ballots to be handled by the USPS?
Don't Tread On Me
May 21, 2020
You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. And they don't like the taste. This voting by absentee ballot is stupid, but it was passed, I believe, last election. But do you have to notify the township clerk, or is it automatically sent? Who knows? Also, how is a potential voter been determined to be a bonified citizen? Or is having an existing address enough? I'm sure the clerk knows, but does anyone reading this know? I see nothing but potential problems with this system with only a signature of the voter and not knowing who truly voted on the paper ballot!
May 21, 2020
Robert beck So I would like to ask is how many states to you vote in .? The problem my head was with the clerk would not send me a ballot Very interesting so you drove from North Carolina here to vote did you drive back to North Carolina to vote there too?
robert beck
May 22, 2020
I drove back from N.C. because I could not get an absentee ballot from our township clerk. I resent your implication that I may have voted illegally. I would not do that. Would you? You imply that it is possible. Have a great holiday earned by our military.

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