This is how to make Great Aunt Rena’s no-church ice cream treat.
1-12 ounce can Evaporated Milk
1 cup whole milk
25 large marshmallows

The old recipe calls to scald the milk,which is done by whisking it over medium heat until small bubbles appear around the outside edge of the saucepan. Scald the evaporated milk, whisking frequently, set aside to cool.
Scald one cup of milk whisking frequently. Fold in the 25 large marshmallows stirring until a smooth base is made.
Whip the cooled evaporated milk until fluffy, then as Aunt Rena wrote “mix all together and freeze”.
We topped it with Hershey chocolate pieces and broken graham crackers for a yummy s’mores dessert. You could also top with candy heart sprinkles in celebration of Valentine’s Day. Enjoy!