The following “letter” was actually submitted to the comments section response to a column penned by Army Bob:

To the editor:

The far left’s vision to print money to “transform” the economy into a “green new deal” is a fantasy. The nation is broke and can’t afford to print more money for this fantasy, thanks to the trillions that were spent to deal with Covid-19 caused by the negligence of the Chinese Communist government.

The only course of action that will not create financial disaster is to continue to grow the economy. Higher taxes, forced conversion to alternative energy and other nonsense simply aren’t affordable without continued economic growth.

People love the idea of solar panels, windmills and electric vehicles until they start looking at the price tag. They won’t support making $2 gas into $7 gas, doubling the cost of natural gas and tripling the cost of propane in rural areas on top of massive unemployment in manufacturing and construction.

Most of the “green” stuff for generating, storing, and using green energy and building green cars will need to be cheap and carry the label “Made in China”, which is exactly what the CCP wants. People will buy “green stuff” if it “feels good” and it is affordable.

This means that low or reasonably priced/access to oil and gas, fossil fuel based energy for domestic manufacturing and construction will need to continue to have a place in this country. An alternative route forced in short order by government in line with the GND fantasy is guaranteed disaster.

Unless it is the intent of the left to deliberately smash what is left after covid, to destroy Wall Street and make the poor infinitely poorer; they have no choice but to continue on the path opened up by the Trump Administration after the flaccid Obama economy. I could be wrong, the with the media and academia spinning new “truths” about how we arrived at economic devastation, I suppose anything is possible.

As for defunding the police, the Obama administration dealt with Occupy Wall Street the same way the Biden one will deal with BLM and Defund the Police… they won’t. Defunding the police is more narrative for appeasement of the far left for votes. Delivery on those ideas will mean increased crime and poverty that the left would logically be totally responsible for.

Expect our parasitic relationship with cheap Chinese-made goods to continue pretty much where it was going when Obama left office along with a lapdog mainstream press and a foreign policy that has us playing “world cops” again.

We will see continued treasonous erosion of our strategic advantages, our liberties will continue to evaporate in favor of conforming in our public behavior to a “woke” agenda at the peril of being doxxed, beaten up or murdered without any consequences for the actors.

For historical reference here, go to google and search “Nazi brownshirts.” The parallels between the behavior of the far left groups and this historical reference are truly the most frightening aspect of our new direction. Seeing people labeled “bigots” on Facebook and Twitter for advocating notions of a “colorblind society” in line with the ideas of Martin Luther King Jr is all the warning you need.

Or maybe continued economic growth is my fantasy and we are actually a failed state whose Republic is a distant memory, headed for our own version of Stalin’s economic policy visited on America.

— “MacDougal”

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