Ruby Shuttlesworth Bester

Pine Street Elementary was host this week to guest author Jacqueline James, who has written books about the unsung heroes of the civil rights movement.

She talked to students about the individuals who worked with Dr. Martin Luther King during this important time in history. She explained what it was like going to a school where they were the first black students to attend after segregated schools were illegal. She shared personal stories of living in the segregated south and how many of the people in her books suffered to make progress in the civil rights movement.

James also brought a guest with her, Ruby Fredricka Shuttlesworth Bester, daughter of Fred Shuttlesworth, a Baptist minister who was one of the top leaders of the civil rights movement, working with Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. She shared with the students that they were taught to stand up for their rights as American citizens in a non-violent manner. Her home was bombed with dynamite when she was 11 years old.

Students were given many examples of discrimination and explained the need to treat everyone equally. “We are more alike than we are different,” said Shuttlesworth.

James’ books will be in the Pine Street Library for students to enjoy.

1 Comment

Lee Greenawalt
October 21, 2018
Jacqueline James' stories are valuable lessons. I am meeting young people of different ethnics who have little understanding of living in government sponsored segregation.

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