In an official announcement Friday, it was reported, “With the utmost transparency and caution, Gun Lake Casino informed the community of the inconclusive results from one team member’s routine COVID-19 test. A rapid retest was performed at the Gun Lake Tribal Clinic, and official lab results have concluded a positive test for COVID-19.”
Following recommendations from the Allegan County Health Department and Tribal Health and Human Services (HHS), the team member, through contact tracing, has identified all team members who have come into close contact.
A casino spokesperson said, “There is no significant risk of transmission for people who were not in close contact, defined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as less than six feet distance for longer than ten minutes with no mask or personal protective equipment.
“Gun Lake Casino will continue to remain open and has completed terminal cleaning protocol for all key areas through use of contact tracing.
“Gun Lake Casino’s plan of intensified cleaning procedures, mandated training, contact tracing, mandatory team member testing, and personal protection equipment requirements has been followed and enforced since reopening June 8. The Play It Safe Initiative will continue for the foreseeable future.”