11986470_10102819809421335_8673380678978760937_n11143293_10102819809396385_2393337897536386447_nA newborn girl to Kristiana Kay and Pete Zondervan is making positive strides after undergoing two surgeries this month.

Kinsley, who was born Sept. 3 at Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital in Grand Rapids, was believed to have a serious heart defect and the first surgery was regarded as unsuccessful. The second was considered to have a much better result and now Kristiana is reporting things are not as dire as first believed.

“We are starting this day on a very positive note: Kinsley does NOT have the genetic disorder they were testing for,” she posted on Facebook. “I found out that babies with heart defects are routinely tested for it automatically. Way to make a mama worry! And her central IV lines are being removed today. Dr. Haw is pleased with her recovery thus far. Next battle is getting her to feed properly, BUT that we can handle!”

The mother is  third grade teacher at Steeby Elementary and the father is a member of the Wayland Board of Education.

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