Hopkins Public Schools bus driver Shelly Wicks was recognized at Monday night’s school board meeting for her quick thinking and actions taken to save a student from a situation that could have been tragic.
While the bus was stopped with lights flashing and the STOP sign out, students from Ms. Wicks bus were preparing to cross the road when she realized an SUV was approaching from behind and was not going to stop. Ms. Wicks was able to notify students not to cross the road.
The vehicle passed the bus and then pulled over in front of the bus, but then continued to drive away.
“We are so thankful for the care our bus drivers take each day to deliver our students home safely,” said Superintendent Gary Wood.

The following procedures are provided by the Michigan State Police to motorists while school buses are on the roads:

• Prepare to stop when a slowing bus has its overhead yellow lights flashing
• Stop at least 20 feet away for buses when red lights are flashing, unless driving in the opposite direction on a divided highway
• Slow down in or ne
ar school and residential areas
• Look for clues-such as safety patrols, crossing guards, bicycles, and playgrounds-that indicate children might be in the area
• Watch for children between parked cars and other objects
School buses are like traffic signals
• When overhead lights are flashing yellow: Prepare to stop
• When overhead lights are flashing red: Stop
• When hazard warning lights are flashing: Proceed with caution
School bus safety tips for students:
• Always stay in sight of the bus driver
• Don’t hurry off the bus; check traffic first
• Don’t go back to the bus after exiting.
 PHOTO: Bus driver Shelly Wicks (center) earned praise at the school board meeting Monday. She is flanked by Superintendent Gary Wood and Board Member Karen Ryan. (Photo supplied)

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