The Hopkins Township Board has rescheduled a special for 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 15, to make up for the Monday night meeting that had to be called off.

The meeting will be by call-in because of the COVID-19 restrictions issued by the state to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Anyone who wants to attend the meeting via phone is asked to call in beginning at 7:20 p.m. to help facilitate getting all of the public into the meeting.

The phone number for the meeting is 1-978-990-5000. Once connected, the access code will be 344706#.

Monday night’s meeting had to be postponed because it was improperly noticed with a typo on the phone number.

Included on the agenda are propositions for a county curbside recycling surcharge increase, from $36 to $50 per year, and proposals for a renewal of two mills for four years and a one-mill increase for four years to fund road improvements.

A public hearing on a proposed Downtown Development Authority for properties along the U.S.-131 expressway, though on the agenda Monday evening, has been postponed further to allow more people to comment.

Those who have any questions for public comment are asked to e-mail them ahead of time to if at all possible. The agenda and other documents for the meeting can be obtained visiting the township’s web site.

As long as this emergency health order is placed in effect, the township will continue to use this format for all future meetings.

For any questions, call Township Clerk Eric Alberda at (269) 806-7547.

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