The Hopkins Township Board Monday night took a major step forward in its plans to connect the Village/Township Hall with the Library Annex.
The board approved the bid of $175 per hour for up to $39,500 from Hoppe Designs of Belleville, MI. Two other bidders came in a lot higher.
The township for a long time has been working on an idea to connect the two buildings. The Township/Village Hall has been the place for Hopkins Village and Township Planning Commission meetings. Within walking distance to the north, the library has been the location for Township Board meetings and it includes an office for the supervisor.
Mark Evans, current supervisor, said if the connection project is realized, it will provide an office for both the treasurer and clerk, both of whom have to work out of their homes.
Hopkins Village Council meets at the hall at the same time as the Township Board does at the library.
In other business at the meeting Monday night, Township Board members:
• Adopted a resolution pledging to work with the village on a parks and recreation plan with a 60-40 percentage funding split.
• Approinted Steve Ybema to a seat on the Board of Review and Mark Forbes as alternate, succeeding Glenn Brookhouse and Fred Morley, resigned. Morley also is leaving his seat on the Planning Commission, as Ken Rutgers, so there are two vacancies on that body that must be filled.
• Approved pay increases of 3.3% for township officials and agreed to $16 per hours stipends for the deputy clerk, township secretary and deputy supervisor.
• Approved the annual Fire Board budget, which includes an increase of $420 from the previous year and includes an expansion of Watson Township.
• Listened to presentations from Circuit Judge Marge Bakker and Sheriff Frank Baker about the work of the County Legal Assistance Center, which helps people who cannot afford attorneys. Bakker said 48 people from Hopkins Township were served in the last year.