The Hopkins Township Board Monday night tentatively agreed to award the bid of Mugen Construction for construction of an extension of the Township/Village Hall to the library, connecting the two buildings.

The 5-0 vote was tentative pending a review by auditors that determines the township will have enough money remaining to operate effectively for the 2023-24 fiscal year. If further discussion of the matter is needed, the board will have a special meeting Feb. 27 at 7 a.m.

The bid amount was for $1,042,790, slightly higher than the $998,000 bid submitted by Triangle Construction.

The Township Board for a long time has been meeting monthly in the library and Supervisor Mark Evans has been using a small room for his office. The addition would provide more space for township officials to do their jobs.

In other business Monday, the Township Board:

  • Accepted the resignation of Harrison Boyink from the Planning Commission and approved appointments of Susan Sebright, Gary Timer, Steve Ybema and alternate Mark Forbes to the Board Review.
  • Agreed to purchase a replacement truck for the fire department’s 1996 engine for $259,751.34, with $46,782.59 contributed by Hopkins Village.

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