It’s hard to separate real news from fake news these days, but I can’t resist some scuttlebutt I came across in recent times.

The Daily Caller two months ago reported, “When he takes his oath of office on Jan. 20, Donald Trump will likely be the first president in 24 years to have never used any form of illegal drug. Trump has long claimed that he has never once smoked cigarettes, touched alcohol or used drugs, which would distinguish him from the last three men to occupy the White House, all of whom either admitted to drug use or refused to deny it.”

Yet one of my favorite magazines, Adbusters, flatly has asserted that Trump is a cocaine addict. There is no hard evidence, just like in Trump’s accusation that Obama wiretapped him, but suspicions are not groundless.

Adbusters, in a recent posting, said: “Daily amphetamine use is characterized by paranoia, erratic behavior, delusions of grandeur and pathological lying.

“Think about Trump’s never ending antics, his ability to believe his own lies. He claims to have won the popular vote, inflates his inauguration crowd beyond sensible explanation, and asserts that his raid on Yemen was a great success. His bizarre claim to have never

Cocaine (file / credit:

been in contact with Vladimir Putin, despite also admitting to meeting the Russian leader on multiple occasions… these are consistent with the confused ramblings of a drug addict.

“Recognize the signs: He perceives threats in certain members of the population in the absence of facts. He is paranoid about so-called fake news and obsessed with trivial matters. He aggressively attacks his friends and his adversaries, often unable to distinguish between the two. He suffers from a lack of social inhibitions… Not to mention the unrealistic ideas about his own personal ability and power… the skin disorder he must cover up each day with layers of bronze to create that notable orange glow, the vanity so painfully evident.

“During his press conferences, his mannerisms and movements show the physical signs of the addict. Random twitches, shakes, an inability to stay focused, loss of memory, the stuttering, even the strange way he cannot seem to control the volume of his voice… unmistakable traits of an amphetamine user.”

Add to this his nasty habit of sniffing and odd behavior during his debates with Hillary Clinton last fall.

And Adbusters asked this: “When are you… journalists at the White House press briefings going to have the guts to ask (Sean) Spicer straight up if Trump is high on amphetamines at 4.30 am on Saturday mornings?”

Behavioral signs of cocaine use:

  • Euphoria
  • Overconfidence
  • Unusual excitement
  • Aggressiveness
  • Restlessness
  • Paranoia
  • Poor judgment
  • Delusions
  • Hallucinations

President Trump’s critics say the above is a checklist of his behavior.

The Daily Kos last fall maintained that “Trump couldn’t sit still for even the few minutes of Clinton’s responses. He refused to stay seated and lumbered ominously around the stage, sometimes staring into the distance.

“And Trump’s constant sniffles. On top of the irritation cocaine causes to the sinuses, cocaine users are very paranoid about having blood come from their nose as it’s a sure giveaway of abuse. I know this because it was common knowledge in the ’80s.

“Also, Trump always seems to start out like he’s shot out of cannon and then quickly becomes fatigued, unfocused and irritable. He has often said debates should be shorter… Trump’s nocturnal, sometimes incomprehensible tweets also fit this pattern.”

Also last fall, the Palmer Report:… “some on social media have apparently been reminded of that stretch in which Trump was sniffing his way through the debates while tweeting for a day and a half straight, while accusing Hillary Clinton of being on drugs. It led a lot of people to conclude that Trump must have been high on cocaine. And now his 17-hour Twitter rant (in early January) raises the question again.”

The late Carrie Fisher, who referred to herself as an expert on cocaine use and abuse, when asked if she thought Trump was high on cocaine during the debates, answered “absolutely,” though later softened her interpretation.

Howard Dean, former Democratic Party chairman, also pulled back on his original suggestion Trump was on cocaine after absorbing criticism. Dean is a physician.

To be sure, all but one of the sources I’ve mentioned in this column have ties to the hated left, Hollywood or the Democratic Party.

So I repeat, I have no evidence that Trump is a coke addict. But since evidence doesn’t seem to be an important part of making accusations in the public arena lately, I’m just sayin’…





Robert M Traxler
March 19, 2017
Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) bad today? We will have four years of this, I fear the unhinged left and right are just getting warmed up.
Free Market Man
March 20, 2017
I heard the rumor Mrs. Clinton has epilepsy. After seeing her stiffen up pass out and shoved into that van that was filmed by a local television crew after a speech, she was said to be exhausted - that's what happens after and epileptic seizure. Guess the media doesn't want to comment about that. It was said Trump didn't have a chance against the Clinton machine. He had to "run the table" in states where he had to win to get the electoral college vote. He did. He got the votes. He's President - get over it. Hillary is a grandma in Chappiqua with Slick Willie. And here he thought after she won the presidency, he would have girlfriends in Chappiqua and Washington. They make the perfect dysfunctional couple. What happened to the Clinton Foundation? Now that they can't sell political access and power, they closed up shop. Where did all that money go. If some media geek wants a Pulitzer, they'd investigate that.
March 19, 2017
This fake news as far as I'm concerned. Nuf said.
Chris G
January 18, 2024
I find it amusing how completely brainwashed so many Trump supporters are. It's sad, too, though, because so many if his supporters have really suffered and been left behind in the modern global economy - and they know they got the short end of the stick, they're just not sure who's to blame. Then along comes Trump - a billionaire no less - whose one real superpower is sowing discord and pitting people against one another, and he wins them over by telling them the "liberal _______ (media, Democrats, Deep State, blue state politicians, judges, fill in with whatever" is to blame and they eat it up like it's a all-you-can-eat-lobster-buffet. Meanwhile, of course, his only notable policy achievement while president was passing a huge tax cut for billionaires like himself and large corporations. So his unwitting supporters got hosed again. Sad.

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