ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor.

I recommend a “no” vote in the Aug. 7 primary on the proposal to improve the airstrip in Leighton Township.

I sincerely believe developer Clark Galloway and the Leighton Township Board did everything legally in launching, proposing and approving the project. However, opponents, using the only means they have to fight back, the voting booth, were right to do what they have done. And now it’s time for the people to decide with a referendum.

I think an improved air strip would benefit only a few, not most of the people who live in the township. And as I have stated in the past, it’s a little bit like legalizing fireworks, permitting unwanted added noise and perhaps even safety concerns. I referred to it as a “playground for the privileged.”

The property, owned by Bill and Rita Martin, indeed was used as an airstrip for more than 36 years, from 1974 to 2010. I haven’t seen any documentation of official approval for that use. It seems appropriate now to regard this site as an abandoned airstrip that at best only can be used as it has been over the past four decades. Plans to change the zoning designation and improve the airstrip appear to have more negative than positive impact on the rural character of the area.

It didn’t help that Mr. Galloway issued a flyer earlier this month that flatly asserted Leighton Supervisor Steve Deer was not a partner nor an investor in the project, despite my repeated reporting that he was. The three of us eventually worked that out in a private meeting, and I believe their explanations that Deer dropped out of the plans.

But the process created problems.

Not only was I incorrectly reporting the connection, the Penasee Globe as late as April 2018 referred to Deer as investor and partner in the airstrip project. The Allegan County News & Gazette and area broadcast media virtually always referred to Deer as an investor and partner. Too many news outlets were not told otherwise.

The Leighton Township Planning Commission in April 2017 recommended in a 3-2 vote against the project. In my six and a half years as editor of, a Township Board reversing a Planning Commission recommendation has occurred only twice.

Leighton Township residents live reasonably close to an existing airstrip at what is called Calkins Field, just north of the bowling alley and once owned by the City of Wayland, now run by the Wayland Area Pilots Association. It seems the developers could work out some kind of arrangement for use of that airstrip.

Therefore, I resolutely urge a “No” vote on Tuesday, Aug. 7.

1 Comment

Mark Grimes
August 4, 2018
The comment about the airstrip being abandoned is false. I walk that airstrip nearly everyday and it is mowed, maintained and has been used as an airstrip very recently. The opposition to the airstrip has consistently made false statements about the airstrip even trying to call it an airport. What is being proposed is a safer longer airstrip that will be used privately. What is wrong with a land owner using his land for recreational use. We live next to Green Lake and the power boats, Jet Skiers, and snowmobiles that use the lake are much more of a noise issue than a few planes flying in out occasionally. This is an all sports community. The flight path for the current Martin strip goes right over my property and I have never once been concerned or bothered by the noise of the planes that have landed there. The township board made the right decision to approve this use of the property and I support their decision. I will be voting yes on August 7th.

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