15941280_10207081808518521_6944824730110797328_nWayland and Hopkins districts called off school for Wednesday on Tuesday evening because of the icy conditions of back roads. Rain Tuesday afternoon and evening washed out a lot of snow, but left ice on rural roads, making them treacherous. Kim Dorr of Wayland posted this photo and warning on Facebook: Be careful out there. We just saw two cars go airborne after hitting a tree that had just fell across the road. The tree couldn’t be seen until you were right there. We likely would have hit it if we hadn’t seen the car hit it first.” She indicated the incident occurred on 10th Street just north of the Wayland city limits.

1 Comment

Robert M Traxler
January 11, 2017
One more example of "the way community journalist ought to be", helpful and timely.

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