ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor.

I hear tell the Allegan County Sheriff’s Department and County Board of Commissioners have been wrestling with an issue of seeking a millage request in next year’s primary election in order to get more officers on the road.

I support the effort for more officers, in exchange for a reallocation of enforcement priorities to save money and increase efficiency in the administration of law enforcement in this county.

Some county officials have said that a mill or a half-mill levy is necessary to bring up the levels of staffing. We’ve been told that the situation recently was so dire that while three drunken drivers were being handled and taken to jail, there were only two officers available for duty in the county at that time. Indeed, a troubling and dangerous challenge.

Yet County Commissioner Gale Dugan this month told the Hopkins and Watson Township Boards he instead would like to see the county seek an override of the Headlee Amendment, which has whittled down tax revenue slowly but surely over nearly four decades. Dugan said restoring the original millage would result in as much as $4.8 million in the county’s coffers, which then could be applied to law enforcement-related services such as the prosecutor’s office, the jail and the courts.

The problem with Dugan’s idea is that voters historically haven’t been supportive of such overrides. Just ask local school officials and some townships. There is a valid perception that when voters don’t understand a proposal or it’s too complicated to explain, they vote “no.”

Regardless, I support spending more of my tax money on public safety if police officers and their superiors are willing to reorder their priorities in enforcement. I sincerely believe taxpayers pay far too much to incarcerate non-violent potheads and officers waste too much time and money on busting people who use marijuana.

The War on Drugs, initiated by Richard Nixon in 1971 and ramped up by Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, has been an abject failure over its 46 years of miserable life. The United States, touted as the Land of the Free, has more people languishing in its jails and prisons than any other country on the planet, in both sheer numbers and per capita statistics.

The cost of incarcerating wrongdoers is at least $30,000 per inmate per year.

I have absolutely no problem with locking up people who are dangers to law-abiding citizens, people who murder, people who rob, people who make others miserable by use of violence. I also have no problem with throwing peddlers of meth, cocaine, heroin and opioids and the like into the slammer. That’s what prisons are for.

But we’ve expanded the numbers of people to include those who are perhaps being naughty, but not really harming anyone else.

I’d like to see the Allegan County Sheriff’s Department, Michigan State Police and local police make busting pot users a low priority. Obviously, if they using while operating a motor vehicle, they should be regarded the same as a drunken driver. But if they’re not endangering anyone, let ’em be. It’ll save the officers time and the public money.

If authorities don’t, it may be done for them in the 2018 election, during which Michigan voters will decide on a question to legalize weed and regulate it just like alcohol. So it might be a good time to be proactive.

I would vote for spending more money for more officers. I just want them to concentrate more on real problems and public safety.

“Smokin’ marijuana is more fun than drinkin’ beer, but a friend of mine was captured and they gave him 30 years.” — Phil Ochs, 1968, “Outside of a Small Circle of Friends.”


Robert M Traxler
October 13, 2017
Just how many folks are in the County jail and State prisons for a first or third offense of possession of user amounts of marijuana? The answer is none; some plea bargain more serious offenses down to possession, but in reality, the police have not spent time looking for a 1960 flower child with a dime bag, or folks unenlightened enough to have user amounts of a carcinogen that is bad for your heart, lungs and other organs for decades. The American Cancer Society, among others, warns against the use of this dangerously unhealthy product. I will join you in voting for the millage.
October 13, 2017
Legalize pot. Allegan county deputies are horrible!
October 14, 2017
Many states allow for the use of medical marijuana, including our own Great Lake State. Here is a list of states where weed is either legal or decriminalized: Alaska, Cal., Col., Conn., Del., Idaho, Maine, Minn., Neb., Nev., NY.,N.C., OH., OR., RI.. Vermont, VA, and WA. Plus, add in Washington DC, The US Virgin Islands, and at least three sovereign Native American Tribal Lands. So far, the sky has yet to fall in any of those areas to the best of my knowledge. It seems to me that our government should be using the popularity of this particular substance as a source for revenue generation through taxation, as is being done in other states.
October 15, 2017
Clarification: the list is not a list of states that allow for medical marijuana - that would be a very long list. It is a list of states that allow use of weed, or that use of weed is not treated as a criminal offense.

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