ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor.
Just when I thought this State Legislature couldn’t do anything worse than it already has, it proves me wrong. The latest and greatest example of dunderhead thinking is this new plan to fund Michigan’s roads.
“No man’s life, liberty or property are safe while the legislature is in session.” — Mark Twain
Gov. Rick Snyder earlier this month signed into a law a package that won’t raise enough money to pay for fixing our ailing roads. Even worse, it will cause other state services to be cut back as well and it will make us common everyday folks pay more at the pump and more for registration.
And I repeat, it still won’t get the job done.
Under the package passed by both chambers and signed by the governor, gas taxes will increase by 7.3 cents per gallon, but not until 2017, and registration fees will be bumped by 20%. Ov
erly optimistic state lawmakers such as Rep. Ken Yonker and Sen. Tonya Schuitmaker say this will generate about $600 million a year in new revenue, about half of the $1.2 billion said to be needed. But that money would not be used for roads until about three years from now.
So even if these tax increases (a fee hike is the same as a tax hike) realize revenue projected, no extra money will start to come in for roads until after 2019.
And where is that other $600 million going to come from? Education? Local revenue sharing? The state is robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Don’t think you’ve heard the worst yet? This ridiculous $1.2 billion road funding plan will include two tax relief schemes — expanding the Homestead Property Tax Credit, beginning in 2019, and a long-term income tax rollback.
This once again begs the question, how do you pay for a public service while you’re cutting taxes? This Legislature flunks Economics 101. When the public asks you to spend money to fix roads, you can’t do it without raising taxes, those necessary evils devised to pay for things such as roads, public safety and education.
This is the same State Legislature that gave us the stupid fireworks law, a law that enables motorcyclists not to wear helmets, an unworkable and unenforceable medical marijuana law and put together a proposed roads bill that voters rejected 80 to 20 percent last May 5 in a special election.
This new roads package, cobbled together without much critical thinking after many years of stalemate, is even worse than the millage proposal that failed by record margins last May.
Some political writer, I can’t remember whom, called this group of state legislators “the gang that couldn’t shoot straight.” The more I helplessly watch this group of incompetent clowns, the more I have to agree. And guess who pays the price?
Yet, in the words of folk singer Tom Paxton more than 50 years ago, “We elect them again and again.”
PHOTOS: Rep. Ken Yonker Senator Tonya Schuitmaker