The Freda’s Fish Fry Restaurant just Freda's closed?south of the traffic light in downtown Wayland gave the appearance that it was closed Monday.

A peek inside would yield plenty of empty space and few signs of culinary life. Owner Alicia Thorpe Sunday night posted on Facebook, “I have ate the last (B.S.) I am going to take from city officials. And the town is PIST! I closed my store last night because of the (B.S.).

Thorpe opened Freda’s Fish Fry in the mini-strip mall next to Bentley’s Party Store on West Superior in 2012 and locked horns with city officials over regulations for her colorful trailer she parked in the parking lot near the street. The city insisted the trailer was the same as an advertising sign and was in violation of the local ordinance for the central business district.

Thorpe finally agreed to remove the trailer and afterward moved her restaurant to the western side of first block of North Main Street.

City Manager Mike Selden said he was surprised to learn about the development because he had no problems with Freda’s after the disagreement over the colorful trailer.

Selden and several other people indicated that Thorpe this past week had posted in-house specials on Facebook, so they didn’t see any trouble coming.


Mike Williams
October 20, 2015
Does she own the new Wine and Cheese store?
October 20, 2015
Bob Smith
November 1, 2015
It is sad to see Freda's close. We ate there weekly . It was a great place . And it seemed to be doing a great business , always busy . it seems that everywhere the " old boys club" just gets in the way and under the skin .

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