Is Supt. Taylor seeking a raise?

A1TAYLORT_TU_C_^_TUESDAYWayland Schools Superintendent Norman Taylor Monday night told the Board of Education he has not received a raise in his five years with the district, but stopped short of asking for a hefty increase.
The board is evaluating Taylor’s contract, which is reported on the school district’s Internet site to be $130,976, plus almost $26,000 in insurance.
Because he received no raise in his salary, he continues to make $126,247, which is a 2% voluntary reduction of his salary that was set at $130,000 when he was hired
Taylor also said his vacation days and sick days are on the low side when compared to superintendent contracts in other districts in Allegan County.
Because he said he “got socked with a heavy tax bill last year,” he asked the board for a stipend instead of insurance allowance to buy his own.
Essentially, he said, he is seeking “changes in the management of life insurance.”
Taylor came on board in 2010, succeeding Eivor Swan, who retired suddenly after getting a no-confidence vote from the teachers’ union and the election of reformers Jeff Salisbury and Shelly Salisbury Whitley.

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