by Austin Marsman

JC Wheeler Library Teen Council members opened their time capsule Monday afternoon. The capsule was buried on June 22, 2013.

Community member Jason Dykstra dug up the time capsule as the excitement was streamed live on the library’s Facebook page.

Senior members of the council opened the capsule to find their past perfectly preserved. Local newspapers, store flyers, and personal mementos filled the bucket buried behind the library.

Perhaps the most surprising item in the time capsule was a Twinkie snack cake, which was purchased after the Hostess company returned from bankruptcy. Those present couldn’t believe the cake was still in good condition.

A 2013 group photo also was found in the time capsule. Carrying on the tradition, the teens posed for a picture and then had a copy printed for the new time capsule.

Current council members placed money, newspapers and letters to their future selves in the time capsule. In four years, the group will return to dig up today’s time capsule and bury a new one. This event is part of the JC Wheeler Library’s Summer Reading program, which runs all summer long.

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