The K & M Chrysler Jeep dealership has decided not to locate on Reno Drive and instead will move into a site by the expressway in Hopkins Township.
The Hopkins Township Board Monday night granted conditional approval for rezoning 11 acres on 12th Street just south of 135th Avenue and west of the U.S.-131 expressway from agricultural to C-2 commercial.
Speaking on behalf of Chrysler Jeep and the dealership, Mike Houseman explained, “They love the visibility on U.S.-131. They sell a lot of trucks and like the central location in a big farm community… It’s going to be a nice spark, a charge for that area.”
The front 11 acres of the property will house two full dealerships in a 30,000-square-foot building and the back nine acres will remain agricultural. Some of the building will be set aside for parts and service.
K & M earlier this year indicated an interest in leaving its current dealership on Division Avenue just north of the Wayland city limits to a location across the street from the Millwrights and Carpenters Training Center on Reno Drive. However, those ideas eventually fell through.
Houseman, general manager Keith Kloostra and partner Jim Koning essentially were seeking approval based on their meeting conditions for a proper water and septic system, paving of a nearby gravel road, fire suppression and assurances that if it ceases to be a car dealership, the zoning for all 20 acres of the property would revert back to agriculture after two years.
K & M has 27 employees at its current business and plans are to have 30 to 40 working at the Hopkins Township facility.
The Township Board was somewhat reluctant to grant conditional approval, fearing the township might be left holding the bag if plans fall through. Bu Houseman said the project will not go forward unless all of the conditions spelled out are met.
“We can’t approve anything until we know what it is,” Supervisor Mark Evans commented. “There is a lot of work to be done. Most of this should already have been done.”
But Trustee Chuck Wamhoff said K & M is only asking for a green light to proceed and for a chance to meet the conditions of project approval.
“They want to know that we’re behind them,” he said. “They want to feel good about going forward.”
Evans agreed that, “If they meet the criteria, we’re going to approve this.
The vote was unanimous for conditional approval.
COVER PHOTO: General Manager Keith Kloostra shows an artist’s sketch of the proposed new dealership.
The City of Wayland has again forced another business to seek building elsewhere because of their shortsightedness and excess taxation, excessive sewer and water hook-up rates and the recent increase in water usage rates – all contributed to have this fine dealership and employer look at Hopkins township.
When will the city realize the future of the city businesses are not in downtown old renovated buildings that don’t attract enough business? When will there be people willing to run and replace the existing bunch of business dullards that serve on the City Council and Mayor’s office?
It is quite evident this present bunch of backwater politicians aren’t up to the task and they rely on the City Manager for advice and research they should be involved in to get the whole story instead of being spoon fed by the manager?