John Jacob Spangenberg has been arrested on a charge of murder for shooting and killing McKenna Dutkiewicz of Wayland Monday night in Kalamazoo.
Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety officer said Spangenberg, 23, has admitted to pulling the trigger, killing the 21-year-old Dutkiewicz, a Wayland High School graduate. Spangenberg told them he thought the gun was unloaded and said he checked the gun earlier in the day.
The shooting occurred at about 10 p.m. Monday at the Spangenberg’s apartment on the 1300 block of Jack Pine Way in Kalamazoo during a gathering hewas holding at his apartment. Several witnesses said they saw him pull the trigger.
He was formally charged today in Kalamazoo County’s 8th District Court.
Based on the fact Mr Spangenberg has been arrested and charged with open murder, which means the country prosecutor can present facts based on the investigation and let a jury decide if it was 1st or 2nd degree murder.
If Ms Dutkiewicz’s death was the result of accidental discharge of the gun, the county prosecutor’s office would have had the suspect charged with a lesser crime, such as manslaughter.
A life cut way too short and a tragic loss for McKenna Dutkiewicz’s family because someone had a gun and decided to use it in an illegal manner.
I’m calling BS on “he thought the gun was unloaded and said he checked the gun earlier in the day.”
So sad, unnecessary, and what an outright moron.
The first thing you learn when handling firearms is every weapon is loaded and you never point it at someone. What is wrong with this idiot? A young woman, now gone, she certainly didn’t deserve to die.
Handguns could not have been in the minds of the drafters of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. Anyone who supports the NRA shares culpability with this person who should not have been in possession of such a weapon.