Kevin Boyles

Kevin Boyles tentatively has been selected as new cemetery sexton for Dorr Township, succeeding Bob Merren, who is retiring.

Boyles works with his father in serving in that capacity in Salem Township and is sexton for Jamestown Township in Kent County. He also has done work in Dorr and Poplar Hill cemeteries in Monterey Township.

Merren indicated he would like to retire before Jan. 1, but Boyles’ official appointment is being delayed until after meets with Clerk Debbie Sewers to work out arrangements.

Boyles asked to be paid the same as Merren, but his request was denied until budget review by the Township Board next winter.

In other business at Thursday night’s meeting, the Township Board:

• Agreed to send a communication to Applied Imaginings to inform the company it will no longer lease the Canon printer, and instead intends to purchase a unit outright.

• Agreed to pay $4,800 to Roger Plasier to repair the concrete and steel post around the water well at the entrance of the fire station.

• Decided to spend $3,450 from the Street Lighting Fund with Consumers Energy to install new LED lighting at 46 locations in the township, replacing the old mercury vapor units.

Treasurer Jim Martin said, “That will be paid back in eight to nine months in savings” and about $4,000 per year after that.

• Noted that paving on 1.3 miles 144th Avenue next spring will cost up to $250,000. There also are plans to rebuild 22nd Street next year, all as part of the special road millage voters approved in 2016. The township was told by the Allegan County Road Commission the 18th Street widening project will include one lane being opend at all times to traffic.

• Agreed to give Jesse Miling, assistant to maintenance supervisor Jarod Simon, a raise from $12 per hour to $13 per hour effective Nov. 1. Simon had asked for the raise to be retroactive to July 1, but Trustee John Tuinstra insisted in his motion that it take effect Nov. 1.

Trustee Terri Rios agreed, saying, “When we go back four months, that seems extreme.”

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