The Martin Township Board Wednesday evening approved the appointment of Kurt Knight as new fire chief, succeeding Earl Wykstra, who is retiring next month.
Wykstra served as chief for four years and will remain as a part-time volunteer firefighter. His last day will be Nov. 4 and Knight, a veteran with the department, will take over as chief Nov. 5.
The chief said his decision to retire, “is with regret, but I know my limitations.”
Wykstra also told the board the good news that two experienced volunteer firefighters will be joining the group because they are moving to the township. They are Michael Fabijancic of Mattawan and Craig Tyler Jr. of Yankee Springs, who had been with the Allegan department. Wykstra said the township should be pleased with their coming on board with their experience because, “We don’t have to send them to fire academy.”
Township Supervisor Glenn Leep said, “They both seem like they’re a good fit.”
The department now includes 22 full-time firefighters and three newcomers are set to go to fire academy for training.
The Township Board also approved the fire department’s purchase of 20 self-contained breathing apparatus (air pack bottles). Wykstra said the grant he applied for came through, but the Martin department was still short $9,530 for the purchase price. The board decided to go ahead with buying the units.
In other business Wednesday, the board:
- Approved the work order to reshape the gravel on 6th Street by the Allegan County Road Commission. However, Leep said he didn’t like the proposed bill for a culvert near 6th and 122nd Avenue.
- Awarded the bid for snowplowing this winter to Property Revolution for $110 per time.
- Approved a request from Treasurer Sue Tiemeyer to have a new set of master keys for appropriate personnel in the wake of the new offices with Township Hall expansion.